Coping skills
The Brain

This can be used to treat a known or suspected opioid overdose in an emergency situation.

What is Narcan?


This natural technique of relaxation can lower the heartrate and can lower or stabilize blood pressure.

What is deep breathing?


This person can be utilized when you are having a craving or thought of using. 

What is a sponsor? 

This mental structure is like a file cabinet in our brain that categorizes things that are similar to each other, including expectations of how to interact with things in that category. 

What is a schema?


Oftentimes during arguments we focus on getting our own point across rather than listening to our partner. before responding to your partner, restate what they have said to you in your own words. Next, share your side. 

What is Reflective Listening?


These symptoms can last 12-24 months after quitting a substance. 

What are PAWS?


This skill involves examining ones thought process in order to change how we feel. This model includes thought, emotion, and behavior.

What is CBT?


This step involves admitting we are powerless to our drug of choice.

What is step 1?


This is a series of connected neurons that send signals from one part of the brain to another.

What are neural pathways? 


When you and your partner are becoming argumentative, insulting or aggressive, it's a good idea to have something in place so you and your partner can calm down before returning to solve the problem. 

What is a time-out?


This is a feeling of euphoria or excitement about sobriety in early stages of recovery.

What is the pink cloud?


This skill involves focusing ones attention on only one thing. For example while eating a cutie, focusing on the smell, the taste, and the texture of each bite.

What is mindfulness? 


This is the year that AA was founded.

What happened in 1935? 


These two hormones are associated with pleasurable reward and motivation.

What is dopamine and serotonin?


This is characterized by a person belonging to a dysfunctional, one-sided relationship where one person relies on the other for meeting nearly all of their emotional and self-esteem needs. 

What is codependency?


This can be developed when one addiction is replaced by another addiction.  

What is cross addiction?


This tool provides clients the skills to help tolerate and regulate their intense thoughts and emotions. 

What is DBT?


This step involves making a list of all the people we have harmed.

What is step 8?


The ability of neural systems to change through growth and reorganization.

What is brain plasticity? 


This is a consequence of poor boundaries where you react to everyone's thoughts and feelings. If someone says something you disagree with, you either believe it or become defensive. 

What is reactivity? 


This is different than feeling sad because there doesn't have to be a reason of cause for the symptoms.

What is depression?


This is a DBT technique that involves immersing ones face in cold water. 

What is tipping the temperature? 

(Also could accept the dive reflex or dive response)


In this step we admit the exact nature of our wrongdoings to ourselves, our higher power, and another human being.

What is step 5?


This part of the brain is responsible for processing strong emotions.

What is amygdala?


This is a family in which members suffer from fear, anger, or shame that is denied or ignored. These families do not acknowledge that problems exist, as a result family members learn to repress emotions and disregard their own needs. 

What is a dysfunctional family?