Was was the name of the sport, they play in Hogwarts?
They play Quiditch
What is Harrys lastname?
His lastname is Potter
Which teacher drop Harry by the Dursleys?
That was Hagrid
How many houses are there in Harry Potter?
There are 4 houses
What was Harry's cousins name
His name was Dudley
How did they travel the students from the train station to Hogwarts?
How old was Harry when he got to Hogwarts
11 years old
Whats the name of the teacher, who can transform into an animal?
It is Professor McGonagall
Whats the name of the house Harry doesnt want to go to?
It is Slytherin
What is the names of Harrys real parents
James and Lily
What is the name of the pub at the entrance to Diagon Alley?
Its The Leaky Cauldron
What was Harrys role on the Quiditch game
He was a Seeker
What was the name of the teacher who has Voldemort on the back of his head?
The professer Quirrel
What are the name of all the Harry Potter houses?
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufllepuff
What was Harrys uncle's name?
His name is Vernon
How many stairs does hogwarts have?
Hogwarts has 142 stairs
Who taught Harry the game Quiditch?
It was Oliver Wood
Whats the name of the teacher who teaches broom flying
Thats Madam Hooch
How many extra point did Harry get in the House cup
He got 60 extra point
How many presents did Dudley get?
He got 36 in total
Whats the password to get from hogwards to Hogsmeade?
The password is Dissendium
What was Harry's wand made of?
It was made of Holly and Phoenix feather
What is the name of the Gryffindor ghost leader?
It is St. Nickolas
How many points did Griffindor win the house cup with?
Whats the name of the curse that killed Harry's parents
Avada Kadavra