Who is the character that takes Harry to Diagon Alley?
What are the four houses?
Slythern, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryfindor
What did Harry name the owl he got at Diagon alley
Who are Harry’s best friends?
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
How do the students get sorted into their houses
The Sorting Hat
What is the flying ball that the seeker has to get to end the game?
The Golden Snitch
Who is Harry Potters rival throughout the books and movies?
Lord Voldemort
what was the candy with a card (a wizard/witch is on the card) Harry had on the train
A chocolate frog
What is the name of the bank that Harry and Hagrid go to get Harry’s money and a secret package in vault 713?
Grinngots (run by goblins)
What is the silver liquid that lord Voldemort lives on
Unicorn Blood (it is like the elixir of life)
how did Harry get on to the 9 3/4 train?
He walked into a wall (secret entrance)
what is the place Hagrid takes Harry to to get to Diagon alley
The Leakey culldron
who Is the Villain (other then Voldemort ) that go’s through the chamber of secrets to get the sorcerers stone?
Professor Quirrel (surprisingly)