when hermione made the polyjuice potion for Ron and Harry what did she turn into?
She turned into a cat
What was the name of the person that got Harry a notice that if he does magic outside of Hogwarts he will be expelled.
His name is Dobby the house elf
what was the name of the person Harry had blown up
her name was aunt Marge
what is the name of the person that comes to Hogwarts as a new teacher
mad eye moody
how did sirius black die
ellatrix strikes Sirius with a curse, sending him backwards into the veil and to his death
What happened when Harry touched voldemort's forehead when fighting his professor.
He started turning into ashes.
What is the name of the big Spyder in the woods
His name is Aragog
What had scared Harry right before the Night bus came
A black dog that was Sirius black
who was the person that was using polyjuice potion
barty crouch jr
What happened to Ron at the end when he did the chess battle.
he sacrificed himself to the white queen to allow Harry to checkmate the opposing king.
how did Harry and Ron get to hogwarts
They took Rons dads magic flying car
What is the name of someone that can turn into a animal
an Animagus/Animagi
what is the name of the potion Dobby/Nevile gave Harry before the second challenge
who was the commentator for the crowds in the Harry potter books up in till the 5th book
Lee jordan
who was possessed at the end
Ginny Ron's little sister
who were the people pretending to be Dementors in Harry's match versus hufflepuff
Goyle, Draco, Crabbe and Pansy
what did barty crouch jr do to viktor krum
hit Krum using a Stunning Spell.
How does Harry, Ron, and Hermione help Hagrid save his baby dragon
They bring it up to the top of the tallest tower and give it to Ron’s older brother’s friends
Who was in the girls bathroom that had died a long time ago
It was Moaning Myrtle
what is the nicknames of the people who created the Marauders map
Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail, and Prongs
Was Victor krum a death eater