What house is Harry in?
Which animal did Harry get from Hagrid?
Harry got a white owl.
How did Harry's real parents die?
They got killed by You-Know-Who. (Voldemort)
Who is Harry Potter's best friends?
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
What do you say if you want to make something fly?
Wingardium Leviosa
Where do you go if you want to go to the magic world?
Platform Nine Three-Quarters.
How old is Harry?
Harry is 11 years old.
Why did Harry think that his real parents died in a car crash?
Because the Dursleys said so.
How did Harry meet Hermonie?
The train was full so she asked if she could sit with Harry and Ron
What happens to the chocolate frog Harry gets in the train?
It jumps out of the window
Who greets them when they enter Hogwarts?
Professor McGonagall.
What type of money does Harry pay with?
Gold coins.
How does Harry get treated by the Dursleys?
He gets treated really badly.
When did Harry first meet Ron?
When he was in the queue to go through platform Nine Three-Quarters
What does Hermione say to Ron when he said the flying spell wrong?
It's "Levi-o-sa" not "Levio-sar"
What's the wizard bank called?
Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
What eye color does Harry have?
Harry has blue eyes.
Does Harry have any siblings?
What's the magic wand that everyone wants called?
Nimbus 3000
Harry sees his parents in the magic mirror, what does Ron see?
Him holding the Quiddich gold trophy.
How tall is Harry Potter?
Harry is 1.65 meters tall. (5'5")