what are Harrys fist set of friends
what is Ron or Hermonie
This Gryffindor student is known for being Harry Potter's best friend and is often seen with her bushy brown hair and love for books.
who is Hermione Granger
This spell is used to summon objects to the caster, and it's one of the first spells Harry successfully performs during his first year at Hogwarts
What is acio
This position in Quidditch is responsible for guarding the three goalposts and preventing the opposing team from scoring with the Quaffle
Who is the keeper
This school, known for its emphasis on dark arts defense, is represented by Viktor Krum in the 1994 Triwizard Tournament
What is Durmstrang Institute
This house's emblem is a lion, and its students are known for bravery and courage
What is Gryffindor
what are Harrys 2 set of friends
What is Ginny, Neville and Luna
This member of Gryffindor house is known for being one of Harry Potter's best friends, with a strong sense of loyalty and courage
who is Ron Weasley
This charm is used to levitate objects and is famously demonstrated by Hermione Granger during her first lesson in Charms
What is wingardium leviosa
This Quidditch position involves chasing the Quaffle and scoring goals through the opposing team’s goalposts, with 10 points awarded for each goal
What is a Chaser
The first task of the Triwizard Tournament involves retrieving this from a dragon
What is a golden egg
This is the title of the first book in the Harry Potter series
What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
what is Harrys midle name
what is James
This Ravenclaw student is known for her intelligence and her friendship with Harry, and she plays a key role in the Triwizard Tournament and also likes Harry!
Who is Cho Chang
This charm, cast with a flick of the wand, is commonly used to light the way in dark environments and is one of the first spells taught to students at Hogwarts
What is lumos
This Quidditch team’s Seeker, Viktor Krum, is famous for his remarkable skill, particularly during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup final
What is the Bulgaria national team
This student from Beauxbatons Academy is one of the champions in the latest Triwizard Tournament
Who is Fleur Delacour
This artifact is a magical mirror that allows the user to see their deepest desires, but is also known for its dangerous effects
What is the Mirror of Erised
what are the character that participated in the triwizard cup
Harry, Crum, Cedric and Flem
This character, a member of Gryffindor house, plays a key role in the Battle of Hogwarts, leading the charge to rescue the students trapped in the Great Hall
Who is Neville Longbottom
This spell is used to create a protective shield around the caster, often employed in duels to defend against curses and hexes
What is Protego
This legendary Quidditch player, known for his record-breaking Seeker skills, played for the Montrose Magpies and is considered one of the best Beaters of all time
Who is Ludo Bagman
For the second task, the champions must retrieve something important from this location
What is the lake
This creature, known for its ability to change its appearance, is the main feature of the Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures class in Harry's third year
What is a Boggart
who is Draco's girlfriend
what is Pansy Parkinson
This character, a member of Gryffindor house, is known for his calm demeanor and excellent teaching skills, particularly in Defense Against the Dark Arts, where he aids Harry in learning essential skills for facing dark forces
This spell is used to counter the effects of Petrification, typically used to reverse the Petrificus Totalus charm
What is Rennervate
This type of broomstick was introduced to Quidditch in the 19th century and is considered one of the fastest brooms in the wizarding world
What is a Nimbus 2000
During the third task, the champions must navigate through this to reach the Triwizard Cup
What is the maze
This witch or wizard founded the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry alongside Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw
Who is Salazar Slytherin