What object does Hermione use to erase her parents’ memories at the start of the film?
a wand
Who tells Harry about the story of the Deathly Hallows?
Luna's dad (Xenophilius Lovegood.)
What is the first Horcrux the trio destroys in this part?
The locket
What is the name of Voldemort’s snake?
Whose wand did Voldemort take at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, when he realized that his wand couldn't kill Harry?
Lucius Malfoy's wand
Who destroys the locket Horcrux in this movie?
Ron Weasley
Where does the trio first apparate after escaping Bill and Fleur’s wedding?
Tottenham Court Road (a busy London street, where Hermoine often went to the theatre with her parents)
What object does Dumbledore leave for Hermoine in his will?
A book with tales
What happens to Ron after he puts on the locket Horcrux?
He becomes angry and jealous, especially toward Harry and Hermione.
Where was The Elder Wand hidden?
It was in Dumbledore's grave
What object does Dumbledore leave for Ron in his will?
The Deluminator.
Why does Voldemort seek the Elder Wand?
To make himself unbeatable and kill Harry.
What curse does Bellatrix carve into Hermione’s arm at Malfoy Manor?
How did Ron and Harry, when they were other people in the Minestry of Magic, get into that building?
They flushed themselves into the toilet.
Who kills Dobby, and how?
Bellatrix Lestrange throws a knife as he is Disapparating.
Why does Bellatrix panic when she sees the sword of Gryffindor at Malfoy Manor?
She thinks someone has broken into her Gringotts vault.
What three things did Death present to 3 brothers in a story of three brothers?
a stone, a wand and a cloak
Why can’t Voldemort use a wand other than the Elder Wand against Harry?
Harry's wand and Voldemort's wand both contain cores from the same magical creature: a phoenix (Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix). So they can harm each other, but not kill.
Why was Ron always listening to that radio in a tent?
to make sure there aren't his family member's names
Read the word "sword"
What animal form does the Patronus take that leads Harry to the sword of Gryffindor?
A silver doe.
What does Dobby say before he dies?
“Such a beautiful place to be with friends.”
What was written on a Snitch when Harry put it closer to the mouth in a tent?
I open at the close
What is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows?
A triangle with a circle and a line inside.