Who were Harrys Best friends?
Ron and Hermiony
What is Hogwarts?
The wizards school
Who killed Harrys parents?
Lord Voldemort
What tool is used to do spells?
A wand
What is quidditch?
A wizards sport game
What is the name of hogwarts headmaster?
Albus Dumbeldore
Name the 4 houses of Hogwarts
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Who taked care of Harry after his parents die?
The Dursleys
What is the name of the disarming charm?
What is the name of the little golden ball?
The snitch
Who is Hogwarts gamekeeper?
Rubeus Hagrid
Who decides in which house the new students will be?
The sorting hat
At what age Harry met Hagrid?
When he was 11 years old
What makes you the charm of Petrificus Totalus?
Petrified you
Who is the captain of the Gryffindor team?
Oliver Wood
What is the name of Harry´s uncle?
Vernon Dursley
What is the name of the forest at Hogwarts?
"The Forbbiden Forest"
Who was possesed by Voldemort in book 1?
Profesor Quirrell
What is one of the first charms taught in Hogwarts?
Wingardium Leviosa
Who is the quidditch professor at hogwarts?
Madam Hooch
What was Harrys first pet?, and what type of animal it is?
His first pet was Hedwig, and it was an owl
What is the name of the village near hogwarts
Who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago?
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Which charm works to open a door?
How many players can play in a team of quidditch?