Harry's Potter's pet owl
Who is Hedwig, the snowy owl?
A snack Ron shared with Harry on the train ride to Hogwarts
What are chocolate covered frogs?
Located on Harry Potter's forehead
What is a lightening bolt?
A mysterious Christmas gift that Harry received his first Christmas at Hogwarts
What is an invisibility cloak?
The person that left Harry on the doorsteps of the Dursley's when he was a baby
Who is Hagrid?
Mr. Filch's cat's name
What is Mrs. Norris?
A Hogwart school supply
Non magical people according to Harry and his friends
What are muggles?
Hagrid's gift to Harry
What is a wooden flute
This is where Harry lives in the Dursley home
What is the cupboard under the stairs?
Gender of Hedwig
The color that Ron tried to turn Scabbers on the train to Hogwarts
What is yellow?
Harry and Ron accidentally lock Hermione in the bathroom with what
What is a troll?
Harry's teacher of wizard chess
Who is Ron?
At the zoo on Dudley's birthday, Harry has a conversation a snake
What is a boa constrictor?
Ron Wesley's pet rat
Who is Scabbers?
This is who decided where the students will live at Hogwarts
Who is the Sorting Hat?
What Harry sees when he looks in the Mirror of Erised the first time
Who are his parents?
The number of Christmas trees in the Great Hall of Hogwarts
What is 12
Harry learned he was a wizard on this birthday
What is his 11th birthday?
Hagrid's pet dragons name
What is Norbert?
The Wizard's bank in Diagon Alley in London
What is Gringotts?
The Gryffindor Quidditch team Seeker
Who is Harry Potter?
The color of the Weasley sweater that Harry received as a Christmas present
What is emerald green?
The day before Harry is dropped on his doorstep, Vernon Dursley is unsettled by the sight of something
What is a map-reading cat?