Who were the three people who dropped Harry off at the Dursleys when he was 1 year old?
Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Rubeus Hagrid.
What starts arriving at the Dursley's house?
Letters addressed to Harry.
Where does Harry get his money?
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
Where does Harry take the Hogwarts Express from?
Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross station in London.
What house does Harry get sorted into?
A cat reading a map, people in cloaks, the name Harry Potter, and owls and shooting stars on the news.
They react badly; they read the letters and won't tell Harry and Dudley what they say, and then Uncle Vernon ends up taking them to a hut on a rock in the middle of the sea to try to escape from the letters and whoever was sending them.
Where does Harry get his robes?
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
Who does Harry sit with on the train, what type of pet does this character have, and what's it's name?
Ron Weasley --> Rat --> Scabbers.
What house does Ron get into, and what house have all of the rest of the Weasley's been in?
Gryffindor - Gryffidor
Where are they going and why in Chapter 2, The Vanishing Glass?
They are going to the zoo for Dudley's birthday.
What happens on midnight of Harry's Birthday?
A giant named Hagrid arrives and knocks down the front door.
Where does Harry get his wand?
Who comes to ask if they've seen a toad?
Neville Longbottom, the toad's owner, and Hermione Granger.
What house is Hermione in?
What strange thing happens at the zoo?
Harry is having a conversation with a boa constrictor. Dudley pushes him and then suddenly the glass of the boa constrictors enclosure vanishes and the boa constrictor escapes.
What is the name of the giant, and what information does he tell Harry?
His name is Hagrid and he tells Harry that he's a wizard and that he's been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
What type of pet does Hagrid get Harry for his birthday?
A snowy owl
What 3 people come and try to steal some of Harry and Ron's candy? Which one of them gets bitten by Ron's rat, Scabbers?
What house are Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy in?
Who is blamed for the escape of the boa constrictor, although he claims that he didn't know how he could've done it?
Harry Potter
Where does Hagrid tell Harry they need to go the next morning to get his school supplies?
Diagon Alley
What food does Hagrid get Harry after they're done shopping in Diagon Alley?
A burger in Paddington Station.
What is the charm Ron tries to use on Scabbers and what's it supposed to do?
Ron tries to use a spell to turn Scabbers yellow, and the incantation is 'Sunshine, Dasies, buttermellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow.'
What house is Susan Bones in?