Name that Character
Plot Components
Literary Techniques
Who is "an old, wise, & powerful wizard, the only one Voldemort feared" ?
What are some clues that the story is set in England?
Certain words, names, phrases, and places are British.
Who is/will be a MINOR character throughout the story?Harry, Mrs. Figg, Dumbledore, or Hagrid?
Mrs. Figg
Explain how we use textual evidence to make inferences.
Textual evidence is like the clues that are hidden in the story, that help us figure out things that aren't said DIRECTLY, but they are hinted at.
Who is an spoiled, overweight bully?
Define the words "protagonist" and "antagonist."
A protagonist is the "hero" of the story, and the antagonist is the "villain."
Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist of the story so far?
Harry is the protagonist and Voldemort is the antagonist
What is a "climax" in a story? Define the word.
The turning point or changing point
Who is "a judgmental, angry, and strict person"?
Mr. Dursley
If you had to pick a climax for chapters 1-5, what would it be?
Hagrid announced that Harry is a wizard.
All of the following statements are FACTS about Hagrid, EXCEPT… A. He is not allowed to use magic and his wand was broken. B. He brought Harry to the Dursley’s on a flying motorcycle. C. He is incredibly large (giant maybe?), with a scruffy big beard. D. He is physically related to the Potters and the Dursleys.
D. He is physically related to the Potters and the Dursleys.
Summarize what we know about Voldemort, so far.
Voldemort was an incredibly evil wizard that terrorized most of the magical world. He killed Harry's parents, but when he tired to kill Harry, it didn't work for someone reason. He disappeared. No one knows what happened to him.
Who is "A snobby, jealous person who likes to gossip."
Mrs. Dursley
Describe how the setting has changed through chapters 1-5:
The Dursley’s house  the zoo  a hut/shack in the middle of the sea  Diagon Alley
How does Harry feel about his magical possibilities and going to Hogwarts? Confused, surprised, upset, angry, prideful, hopeful, smug, neutral, bored? You can choose multiple answers.
Confused, surprised, hopeful
Harry’s zigzag scar is an example of: Foreshadowing, Figurative Language, Symbolism, Inferences
Who is a very “prim and proper” person, who can also turn into a cat?
Professor McGonagall
What was NOT a conflict in chapters 1-5? A. Voldemort killing Harry’s parents B. Harry not being able to afford Hogwarts C. The Dursleys mistreating Harry D. Harry not being allowed to read the letters
B. Harry not being able to afford Hogwarts
How would you describe Aunt Petunia’s relationship with her sister, Lily Potter?
Aunt Petunia was jealous of her sister’s magical powers and parental attention.
The author includes hints that Harry is magical. This is called foreshadowing. What are some examples?
Harry mysteriously grows his hair back, jumps buildings, and talks to snakes.