It's the Dursley's street address.
4 Privet Drive
In the first book/movie, Harry and Ron are gifted these homeade gifts from Ron's mom.
He promises to teach the students to bottle fame and brew glory.
Professor Snape
Hermione is happy to teach you how to pronounce this if you are saying it "all wrong."
Wingardium Leviosa
She almost didn't survive the Chamber of Secrets
He throws a fit for not getting enough Birthday presents.
Harry receives this magical anonymous present during his first Christmas at Hogwarts.
Invisibility CLoak
She teaches flying in Book One
Madame Hooch
It's the disarming charm
The Weasley's family owl
Thanks to this magical creature, a pudding fell on Mr. Dursley's boss at the beginning of Chamber of Secrets.
She's not at Hogwarts during Harry's first Christmas there.
He's the head of Ravenclaw
Filius Flitwick
Need some light? Try this.
It's the name of the Wesaley's home,
The Burrow
It's Mrs. Dursley's first name
This anonymous Christmas gift came in very handy during Harry's Quidditch matches!
She said, “He should have been brought straight to me! I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back?… You're in for a rough night, Potter.
Madam Pomfrey
Brave Neville Longbottom stood up to his friends, only to have Hermione put this spell on him.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's first names
Molly and Arthur
Inflates her!
It the student would ever need to sing Christmas Carols at Hogwarts, this Professor, also their choir director, will be leading them.
Professor Flitwick
Don't mess with his cat, Mrs. Norris.
Argus Filch
Expecto Patronum
It's the number of Weasley children.
Bill, Charley, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny,