How many houses are there in Harry Potter?
What is 4?
How many movies were there in Harry Potter?
What is 8?
What core did Harry have in his wand?
What is a Phoenix Feather?
How many books are in the Harry Potter series?
What is 7?
The name of the house elf that helped Harry, Ron, and Hermoine. Harry freed him by giving him a sock
Who is Dobby
Which spell protects from Dementors?
What is Expecto Patronum?
What name is given to the phantoms that guard Azkaban?
Who are Dementors?
Who gave Harry the nimbus 2000?
Who is Magonigal?
What is the name of the spider raised by Hagrid, first seen in The Chamber of Secrets?
Who is Aragog?
Which dark wizard did Dumbledore defeat in 1945?
Who is GrindleWald?
What is the missing animal: lion, eagle, snake…..?
What is a Badger?
Who is the Half-Blood Prince?
Who is Snape?
Who gave Harry the invisibility cloak?
Who is Dumbledore?
What is Voldemort's Kid's Name?
Who is Dolphine?
What is the name of Hagrid’s three-headed dog?
Who is Fluffy?
What is the language used by serpents?
What is Parseltongue?
This character is describes as having tennis ball eyes?
Who is Dobby?
Who survived Voldemort's curse and got a scar?
Who is Harry Potter?
Early in the first film, Hermione Granger uses the spell Oculus Reparo to do what?
What is Fix Harrys glasses?
What is Harry’s position in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
What is a Seeker?
Double Jeopardy
Name at least 2 of Dumbledore's Middle Names
Who is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore?
This is the name of Harry's best friend
Ron Weasley
Double Jeopardy
What wood was the Elder Wand made out of?
What is Willow Wood?
What year did Harry Potter go to school?
What is 1991?
This acrtress plays Bellatrix Lestrange
Who is Helena Bonham Carter (B