Who Said it?
Guess the book by chapter titles

This character survived an attack and was left on the doorsteps at his aunt and uncle's home. 10 years later, he would come to realization that he was born a wizard

Who is Harry Potter?


"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers is to turn on the light."

Who is Albus Dumbledore?


Leg-locking curse

What is Locomotor Wibbly?

The Whomping Willow

Mudblood and Murmurs
The Heir of Slytherin

What is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?


J.K. Rowling came up with the idea of Harry Potter when she was on this mode of transportation in 1990. It's a good time to create our favorite wizard.

What is on a train to London?


This Professor of Hogwarts has a knack for potions making but has a few tricks up his sleeves to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts

Who is Severus Snape?


"Your parents were meddlesome fools too. Mark my words, Potter. One day soon, you are going to meet the same sticky end."

Who is Lucius Malfoy?

Levitation Charm

What is Wingardium Leviosa?


The Quidditch World Cup
The Four Champions
The Yule Ball

What is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?


Everyone can relate to the creation of Dementors as they were inspired by Rowling's illness that she has struggled but fortunately overcame it with the books.

What is depression?


She is considered the brigthest witch in her class. But she has been bullied due to her being muggle-born as well as spending her times at the library

Who is Hermione Granger?


"I've always wanted to use that spell."

Who is Minerva McGonagall?


Shielding charm

What is Protego?


In Memoriam
The Silver Doe
The Missing Mirror

What is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?


The first book sold this amount of copies worldwide making it a phenomenal and, I personally believe, the reason bookworms love to read.

What is 120 million copies?


This wizard's mother was a witch and his father was a Muggle. After he left Hogwarts, he wanted to be known as the most powerful sorcerer in the world and changed his name for all to fear who even speak his name

Who is Lord Voldemort?


"You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hallow, you know. I lost a sister."

Who is Aunt Petunia?


Torture curse

Bonus: Which witch and wizard had the worst effect of this curse?

What is Crucio?

Bonus: Alice and Frank Longbottom


Talons and Tea Leaves
Snape's Grudge
Hermione's Secret

What is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?


Many probably didn't know this, but J.K. Rowling did not study literature but this and it came in handy when she was creating her Wizarding World.

What is French and Classics?


This witch has been known throughout the entire Harry Potter Fanbase as the most hated teacher in Hogwarts as she even made it like a prison than a school.

Who is Dolores Umbridge?


"Swear to it...make the Unbreakable Vow."

Who is Bellatrix Lestrange?


Memory loss charm

What is Obliviate?


The Boy Who Lived
The Midnight Duel
The Forbidden Forest

What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? (Philosopher's Stone)


Before they were known as the Death Eaters, J.K. Rowling originally had this name in mind for them. 

What is the Knights of Walpurgis?