Harry Potter's muggle born friend whos parents are dentists
Who is Hermione Granger?
The color of Harry's eyes ("he has his mothers eyes")
What is green?
The levitation spell that Ron used to knock out the troll in the bathroom.
What is Wingardium Leviosa?
The house elf that is freed with a sock.
Who is Dobby?
The position responsible for catching the Golden Snitch.
What is a Seeker?
Mr. Filches cat who was petrified by the Basilisk.
Who is Mrs. Norris?
What is Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince? (book 6)
This spell is used to disarm an opponent by making them drop their wand or weapon.
What is Expelliarmus?
Hagrids "friend" that Harry and Ron encounter in the forest.
Who is Aragog?
The Hogwarts house Hagrid was in as a student.
What is Gryffindor?
The thief who took Polyjuice Potion to become one of the seven Harrys and rode with Madeye Moody.
Who is Mundungus Fletcher?
This teachers protection of the sorcerers stone involved a logic puzzle that Hermione solved.
Who is Severus Snape?
This spell is used to stun someone or knock them unconscious.
What is Stupefy?
The magical creature that Harry saves Dudley from.
What is a dementor?
The study of magical plants
What is Herbology?
Harrys "squib" neighbor who testified on his behalf at the Ministry of Magic when he gets expelled from Hogwarts.
Who is Arabella Figg? (Mrs Figg)
The Animagus of Rita Skeeter, the Daily Prophet journalist.
What is a beetle?
The spell learned in Professor Lupin's class it is used when facing a creature that transforms into your worst fear.
What is Riddikulus?
A creature that transforms into your worst fear.
What is a Boggart?
This is where the diadem was hidden in Hogwarts.
What is the Room of Requirement?
The publisher of the Quibbler who is related to Harrys Hogwarts friend.
Who is Xenophilius Lovegood?
This is who gave Harry the Gillyweed during the Triwizard tournament.
Who is Dobby?
These are the three unforgivable curses.
What is Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio?
The name of the dragon of Asian origin that Viktor Krum faced in the Triwizard tournament.
What is the Chinese Fireball?
This ball is used to score points in Quidditch by throwing or hitting them into a hoop.
What is a Quaffle?