One of the richest students at Hogwarts, and one of the youngest Death Eaters. He has a long-running rivalry with Harry Potter.
Who is Draco Malfoy?
The wizarding village that Hogwarts students visit when they are in their third year or above.
What is Hogsmeade?
Wingardium Leviosa
What is the incantation of the spell that levitates objects with a "swish and flick"?
A card that comes along with a chocolate sweet. The card will bear the portrait and achievements of a famous witch or wizard.
What is a chocolate frog card?
A pure forest creature that's blood can bring you back from the brink of death. Killing one curses you to a half-life.
What is a Unicorn?
One of the greatest dark wizards of all time. For a short time he was the owner of the Elder wand. He was killed by Voldemort in the prison he built: Nurmengard.
Who is Grindelwald?
The Department of the Ministry of Magic that is on the 9th Level. The Employees are called the Unspeakables, and the department houses the Hall of Prophecy.
What is the Department of Mysteries?
Expecto Patronum
What is the incantation of the spell that creates a guardian to protect the caster from Dementors?
A magical sword inlaid with rubies that can be pulled from the Hogwarts Sorting Hat by any deserving Griffindor.
What is the Sword of Godric Griffindor?
A type of dragon used in the Triwizard tournament. It comes from China and is fought by Victor Krum.
What is a Chinese Fireball?
A blind Acromantula owned by Rubeus Hagrid. He resided in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts until his death in Harry's sixth year of school.
Who was Aragog?
A school for witches in France. Some of the students travelled to Hogwarts to compete in the Triwizard Tournament.
What is the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?
Avada Kedavra
What is the incantation of the killing curse?
A woodwind instrument. Harry is given one by Hagrid and later uses it to make the three-headed dog Fluffy fall asleep?
What is a flute?
A Sentient creature with a love of mysteries and obscurity. They come from Ancient Egypt, and one asks Harry a riddle in the Triwizard tournament.
What is a Sphinx?
The younger brother of Sirius black, middle name Arcturus, also known as R.A.B. He stole one of Voldemorts Horcruxes, and paid for it with his life.
Who was Regulus Black?
The first place where Harry, Ron and Hermione stay while on the run - after Number 12 Gimauld Place. Hermione went camping there once with her parents.
What is the Forest of Dean?
What is the incantation of the spell invented by Severus Snape that causes lacerations and bleeding?
The entire supply of them was destroyed in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. They can be used to turn back time.
What is a Time Turner?
A creature that can "burn, sting, and bite all at once". They propel themselves forwards with large blasts. They are a cross between a Manticore and a Fire Crab.
What is a Blast-Ended Skrewt?
A Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts, she taught the students before Hagrid, and returned to teach them about Unicorns while Hagrid was indisposed.
Who is Professor Grubbly-Plank?
A country in Europe that various characters have used as hiding places - namely Helena Ravenclaw and Tom Riddle.
What is Albania?
Priori Incantato
What is the incantation for a spell that forces a wand to recreate the last magic it has performed?
Fireworks used by the Weasley Twins and their friend Lee Jordan to cause mahem and chaos at Hogwarts.
What are Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks?
A marine creature that is somewhat like an octopus. They reside in the Black Lake, and Remus Lupin has one in his office at some point in Harry's third year.
What is a Grindylow?