This ancient king of Egypt enslaved the Israelites, leading to their eventual Exodus led by Moses.
Who is Pharoh?
Most faculty and staff at Hartman call this person "boss". You can listen to him on his podcast "Identity/Crisis".
Who is Yehuda Kurtzer?
This Yiddish word, often said when someone sneezes, means "to health"
What is Gezundheit?
This woven or braided bread is traditionally eaten on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.
What is challah?
A Jewish fridge wouldn't be complete without this spread made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon, and garlic.
What is hummus?
This empire destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE, marking the beginning of the Jewish diaspora.
What is the Roman Empire?
This VP of the Shalom Hartman Institute, was a speaker at Beit Midrash, Legal Adviser of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Who is Tal Becker?
If someone talks too much or can't stop bothering you, you might call them this, which means a "chatterbox" or "annoying talker"
What is a yenta?
On Yom Kippur, it is customary to abstain from this for 25 hours as a sign of repentance.
What is eating/drinking (fasting)?
What is sauerkraut?
The Jewish-led revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE led to the rededication of the Second Temple, an event commemorated by Hanukkah.
This person was the head of the Teen Fellowship Program but now works at Facing History.
Who is Daniel Braunfeld?
If you're casually chatting or hanging out, you're doing this.
What is schmoozing?
What is a glass?
This Ashkenazi cold beet soup, often served with sour cream, is a staple in former Soviet Union Jewish kitchens.
This Jewish woman became a Queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction, a story still celebrated on Purim.
Who is Ester?
This person is the Head of the Hevruta program. She came to the first Shabbaton but lives in Jerusalem.
The Yiddish word for clumsy or awkward person can also describe someone who is accident-prone.
What is a klutz?
This small box, containing parchment with verses from the Torah is affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes.
What is a mezuzah?
If you open a Jewish fridge before Shabbat, you might find this dish of slow-cooked meat, beans, and barley, kept warm for Saturday lunch.
What is cholent?
In 1492, this Spanish monarch issued the Edict of Expulsion forcing Jews to convert, leave, or face execution?
Who is Queen Isabella?
This Senior Fellow at Hartman is an author of Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor. He also was a Kahanist and wrote about his previous experiences with "Jewish militancy"
Who is Yossi-Klein HaLevi?
If someone gives you an insincere compliment or a backhanded remark, you might say they gave you this, which literally means "empty praise."
What is kinehora?
In traditional Jewish law, this complex set of rules governs the prohibition of agricultural work in the Land of Israel during the Sabbatical year (every 7 years) and the Jubilee year (the 50th year).
What are the laws of Shmita?
This salty, fermented herring delicacy, often stored in glass jars with onions and sometimes sour cream, is a staple in Eastern European Jewish cuisine.
What is pickled herring?