People and Settings
Plot 1
Plot 2
Inferences and "Why's"

What does the word drought mean in the sentence below?

"California had a terrible drought because of the lack of rain."

A. space between crops

B. early part of a season

C. long period of dry weather

D. a small amount of something

What is a long period of dry weather?


Who lead the movement for the civil rights of farm workers in California?

What is Cesar Chavez


Why did Cesar and his family have to leave their ranch in Arizona?

What is a drought stopped them from paying their bills


What did Cesar say was a better weapon than violence?

What is truth or nonviolence?


What do you think Cesar Chavez wanted to do when he felt embarrassed?

What is stop talking and end the meeting

What does the word dedicate mean in the sentence below?

"The guard decided to dedicate himself to protecting others."

A. ensure the safety of others

B. consider different life choices

C. commit your life to something

D. make a decision about something

What is commit your life to something?


In which country did Cesar's relatives used to live in that they would tell him tales about?

What is Mexico?


What caused Cesar to not feel safe at school?

What is Cesar was punished for not speaking English at school


How did the march help the farmworkers' cause?

What is publicity made people aware of the problems the farm workers faced


Why do you think Cesar Chavez kept talking during the meeting, even when he felt embarrassed?

What is determination. He believed so strongly in what he was fighting for and wanted to succeed


What does the word horizon mean in the sentence below?

"The harvest moon looked like a big orange ball as it rose above the horizon."

A. line where the land seems to meet the sky

B. shadow created when an object blocks the sun

C. time when the moon and sun are both in the sky

D. field where rows of crops are planted and harvested

What is the line where the land seems to meet the sky?


Where was Cesar's family's ranch located?

What is Arizona?


What events helped solve the farmworkers' problem?

What is the march. The owners didn't want attention to their business, so they offered a contract with higher pay and better living conditions


Explain how the marchers' were treated at the begining of the march then at the end

What is at first the police tried to to stop them and they slept outdoors, but as soon as the word spread people were very supportive and welcomed them


When Cesar hears that the grape company officials want to meet with him, why does he think it must be a prank?

What is in the past, landowners had only punished workers who asked for more money or better conditions


What does the word conflicts mean in the sentence below?

"Mrs. Underwood taught her students different ways to solve conflicts."

A. contests

B. disagreements

C. puzzles

D. transfers

What is disagreements?


Where did Cesar and his supporters march to ask for the government's help? (to and from)

What is from Delano to Sacramento


Finish the sentence: Fighting for their rights would help workers _______

What is overcome feeling powerless


During the march, what was happening to the grapes in Delano?

What is they turned white with mold and continued to rot


Why does Chavez family tolerate the poor living conditions?

What is they no longer owned the ranch and had no other choice but to travel to others people's farms for shelter, food, and money.


What does the word association mean in the sentence below?

"Ms. Elliott worked for an association that helped to clean the environment."

A. friends who care about a common cause

B. group of people working for one purpose

C. business that provides services to customers

D. branch of government that passes laws for the environment

What is a group of people working for one purpose?


What character traits enabled Cesar Chavez to force the change for farm workers?

What is courage and perseverance


How did the migrant workers treatment affect them

What is fear. They were always afraid of what would happen to them if they complained


Why was the strike effective against the grape company effective?

What is because the grapes spoiled on the vines, so the grape company owners got no money for them


Why did Cesar Chavez make the contract announcement on the capitol building steps?

What is because he wanted to show a conection between the law and farmworkers rights The capitol is the seat of the state government