Vocabulary FIB
Vocabulary Definitions
Story MC
Story Comprehension
Story Interpretation
The right to approach, enter or use.
What is access?
most closely packed together; thickest
What is densest?
Which process did the river use to go to the sky? evaporation migration photosynthesis respiration
What made the river want to change where it was?
interest in the night sky
Name one effect of the River announcing that it wanted to go to the sky.
1. animals migrated south 2. a thick jungle was formed 3. grasses began growing on the plains
We noticed that the ______ of the house were in need of repair.
What are eaves?
dared to come or go
What is ventured?
What might be a theme from the story? *The most powerful being is not always the strongest. *The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. *Nature has the power to destroy and create.
The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.
Why did the rhino say that is was time for a change in habitat?
He thought the water source was going to disappear.
Which event is more important to the story? *small thorn trees and bushes came out and dotted the grassy plains *the Gazelle hears the River say that she will never come back from the sky
The Gazelle hears the River say that she will never come back from the sky.
The explorers ________ into the unknown area.
What is ventured?
slight wetness; drops of water or another liquid
What is moisture?
The story is most like: *tall tales *story of origin *children's story where animals have special abilities *science fiction
story of origin
Why would the author have chose to write and publish this story?
To document a story that has been passed down from generation to generation.
What is the most obvious reason that we know this story is a myth?
The animals can talk and are shown to have feelings.
When we woke up there was ______ on the inside of the tent.
What is moisture?
lower edges of a roof that extend over the side of a building
What are eaves?
Who is the character of greatest influence? *Rhino *wind *Elephant *grass
Which happened last? *clouds walked among the stars *clouds began to fall as rain *gusts of wind asked the clouds to move
clouds began to fall as rain
According to the story, what was one important effect of the River's desire to go to the sky?
Lakes and rivers in other parts of Africa were created
From the top of the mountain you could see the vast ______ of land that stretched for miles.
What is expanse?
open or unbroken stretch; wide, spreading surface
What is expanse?
Which of the following is not supported by the story? *Chimps and leopards cannot live in dry places *Stars seen from the desert seem to shine brighter *Grasses do not grow well under trees *Barbary sheep can survive in the desert.
Stars seen from the desert seem to shine brighter
When the River first whispers, "Oh, how I wish I could go to the sky," how does that whisper finally reach the sun?
It passes from plant to plant up to the mountain, where the wind carries it to the sky, stars, and finally to the sun.
What is it important that the peacefulness of the setting is emphasized at the beginning of the story?
It explains why the clouds wanted to return to the earth later in the story