Fill the blank in this book title:
Chicka Chicka Boom _____
What is Boom
Name 3 of the 5 choice rooms at Hayden After School
What is any combination of:
Imagine That, STEAM work, Creative Corner, Game Hub, Zen Den.
This is animal has black fur with a white striped and predominantly white belly
What is a zebra
What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?
What is wrong
This object must be caught in order to end a Quidditch match
What is The Golden Snitch
This author wrote the books Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Who is Dr. Seuss
The type of feet we use when moving in the hallway in Hayden After School.
What are walking-feet?
This animal is the tallest on Earth and have long legs, long necks, and relatively short bodies.
What is a giraffe
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
What is A clock.
Hagrid's pet that guarded the passageway leading to the sorcerers stone
Fluffy the three headed dog
A series of books about the adventures of Ms. Frizzle who takes her students on scientific field trips.
What is The Magic School Bus.
The name of the Hayden swim team.
This animal is
What is an armadillo
There is a rooster sitting on top of a barn. If it laid an egg, which way would it roll?”
What is Roosters don’t lay eggs
This is one of the many spells that was cast in Harry Potter
What is Riddikulus, Obliviate, Sectumsempr, Avada Kedavra, Alohomora, Lumos, Expelliarmus, Wingardium Leviosa, Accio, Expecto Patronum
This super hero wears a red cape is often caught saying "Tra-la-laaa!!!" as their catchphrase
Who is Captain Underpants
The JW in JW Hayden stands for
Who is Josiah Willard, the founder of Hayden Recreation.
This animal eat eucalyptus leaves and are well-known for their large round head, big furry ears and big black nose, Many lost there lives do to fires
What are koalas
Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
What is a map
It is the name of the secret society Albus Dumbledore founded
What is the Order of the Phoenix
This book series is about the children of Greek gods who go on adventures during their time at summer camp.
What is Percy Jackson
The year Hayden was founded.
What is 1937
This extremely slow-moving mammals can be found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. Their huge hooked claws and long arms allow them to spend most of their time hanging upside-down from trees.
What is a sloth
Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother — how many children does Mary have?
What is Five. Each daughter has the same single brother
These are the four houses at Howarts
What is Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff