Who is the 8th Grade Administrator
Mrs. Williams
What time does school start and end?
8 AM and ends at 2:37. School ends at 1:25 on Fridays.
How many days do you have to clear an absence before it becomes a cut/truant?
3 days
True or false? IDs must be worn and visible at all times.
What are some of the types of dances we have?
Welcome back, Halloween, Valentines, Spring, & Promotion
Who is the 7th Grade Administrator
Ms. Nguyen-Paquier
When is our Early Release day?
What happens on your 4th tardy to home room in a quarter?
Parent/Guardian contact, āNā in homeroom citizenship for the quarter and campus beautification.
What list are you placed on when you have one F and your GPA is below a 2.0?
Non-Activity List
Name at least 3 different activities you can be involved with?
Lunch time activities, clubs, after school sports, dances
What is the name of our SIA?
Ms. White and Mr. Brooks
When do you eat food?
What happens when you are seen using your cell phone for the 3rd time?
Device confiscated and sent to the office. Released only to parents or guardians with a signed cell phone policy. Students will have one hour after school detention.
What are the 8th grade promotion requirements?
Pass all 5 required classes: English, math, science, social science and physical education
Maintain a satisfactory citizenship record: three (3) Uās in citizenship = No Promotion!
Meet all financial obligations
What are RIDE cards?
A reward for students displaying the characteristics of respect, integrity, determination, or empathy.
Who do you submit your absence notes to?
Ms. Wright
How long is each period on a regular day?
53 minutes
What is the acronym for the Haskell behavioral expectations?
R= Respect
I= Integrity
D= Determination
E= Empathy
Can you be suspended for fighting, even if it happens off school grounds?
Yes, if you are coming or going from school and are caught fighting you can be suspended from school.
Who qualifies for the STAR reward prorgram?
For students who receive a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Who do you purchase an ID from?
Mrs. Cannavina
Name some ways you can be successful in middle school.
Get Organized - Use your planner daily
Do classwork and homework and turn in on time
Be prepared with all necessary materials
Come to school everyday and on time
Ask for help when needed
Participate in class - raise your hand, volunteer, etc.
Get involved - join a sports team, club or any extracurricular activity
Can ripped pants or with holes be worn at school?
Yes, if the holes are below the pocket level.
Name at lease 3 things Haskell has zero tolerance for.
Alcohol - use, possession, sale
Drugs ā possession, use, sale
Graffiti - or gang-related writing
Weapons - pocket knives, replica weapons
Dangerous articles - laser pointers, sharp scissors
Sexual Harassment
Spreading Rumors
Bullying, including electronic Bullying!
When is the 8th grade Promotion Ceremony?
May 29th