What floor are all 6th grade classes on?
3rd floor
Are hats allowed in school?
No, only on hat days
How many minutes do we have between classes?
4 mins
Can I leave whenever I want?
No, you must ask permission to get up
What time does school start?
Doors open at 8:30
Class starts at 8:55 AM
Who are the social studies teachers?
Ms. Moore & Mrs. Emeish
Are leggings allowed in school?
NO! Leggings are not pants. Your top MUST cover your bottom.
Which side of the hallway should you walk on?
Can my friend save me a spot in the lunch line?
No, line cutters!!
What must you turn in when you are absent?
A treat for your teacher! (:
JK: A doctor's note or note from parent
What do you do if you need a pencil?
Quietly, get up and get one.
Can my shirt have cuss words or inappropriate images?
Where do we go during an evacuation?
Take the stairs down to the left of our room.
How much is a lunch tray?
What happens if you skip school?
You will be marked truant and an officer will phone home.
What do I do if I need extra help outside of class time?
Request a pass in e-hall to attend tutorials before school, lunch, ELT or after school.
Can you wear jeans with holes?
No holes above mid thigh
Which stairs can you use to go down?
The stairs closest to the social studies rooms.
Can I eat lunch with my teachers?
You must request a lunch pass in advance from that teacher.
What class period is ELT and what is it used for?
6th period, to study, to hw, or attend tutorials?
Name the following:
6th grade AP?
6th grade counselor?
Dr. Paz
Ms. Redecker
Ms. Williamson
Can I wear a crop top?
NO! Your stomach is not allowed to show if you raise your arms.
Which stairs can you use to go up?
The stairs closest to the front office.
What happens if I am late to 4th period? (coming from lunch)
Automatic detention
Am I responsible for the work I missed?
YES! It is your job to attend tutorials and make up the work within 2 days.