Chapters 7-9: Brian saw a bear in a...
berry patch
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Brian is unhappy about visiting his father because he is...
unhappy about his parents' divorce.
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How did Brian get out of the lake when the plane crashed
He swam up to the top of the lake.
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The porcupine left what with Brian
Brian found that the hatchet when hitting flint in the wall made.....
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what was Brian's water source?
the lake
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If you pull the wheel back the plane goes......
The plane goes up higher.
Chapter 8: What attacked Brian?
a porcupine
What three things does Brian eat that made him sick?
Why does Brian scream?
To release tension or emotion
The bear was not out to hurt Brian because...
food is the most important thing to animals.
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what did Brian carry the berries in
He used his wind breaker
Why did Brian's mother gift him with the hatchet?
Brian and his dad can use the hatchet in the woods over the summer.
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