Brian's age
What is 13 years old?
The person who gave Brian the hatchet
Who is Brian's mother?
Clouds of these were biting Brian on his first few days.
What are mosquitos?
The shape of the lake Brian crashes into
What is L-shaped?
One way that Brian uses his mind to deal with all of the challenges he faces.
What is learning from his mistakes or using prior knowledge?
The secret Brian is keeping.
What is his mother cheated on his father.
How Brian carries the Hatchet when he is on the plane
What is on his belt?
This is a large mammal that shares an interest in eating berries with Brian.
What is a bear?
This is how Brian keeps from getting lost when he leaves his shelter.
What is always keeping the lake in view?
The family meal that Brian remembers having before he decides to go look for berries.
What is Thanksgiving (turkey and trimmings)?
Where Brian is flying to.
What is the Canadian wilderness?
How Brian discovers that the hatchet can make sparks
What is throwing it at the porupine and hitting the stone on the inside of his shelter?
Brian is woken in the night to the sound of an animal waddling into his shelter, but doesn't know what it is until he feels the pain of these in his leg.
What are porcupine quills/needles?
Brian discovers that this keeps the mosquitos away.
What is fire/smoke?
Brian names this his "friend".
What is fire?
The type of watch that Brian had.
What is a digital watch?
This is how Brian uses the hatchet to help him catch fish.
What is sharpening a spear?
This is where Brian finds the turtle eggs.
Where is buried in the sand?
Name four things that Brian has eaten as food?
What are turtle eggs, gut cherries, raspberries, fish, rabbit, and bird.
Besides birch bark peelings, what else does Brian need to get the fire started?
What is oxygen?
The name of the teacher Brian had who always talked about staying positive
Who is Mr. Perpich?
This is how the hatchet is helpful when Brian decides to eat a raw turle egg.
What is sharpening a stick to poke a hole in the egg?
What two things happened when Brian ate the "gut cherries"?
What is he threw up, and he had diarrhea.
Brian makes this on the flat stone on the ridge above his shelter.
What is Brian's signal fire?
"He did not know how long it took, but later he looked back on this time of crying in the corner of the dark cave and thought of it as when he learned the most important rule of survival." This is the rule.
Hint: This doesn't work
What is feeling sorry for yourself doesn't work?