Hatchet - 1
Hatchet - 2
VPP 21
VPP 22
VPP 23

1. Which of the following words best replaces extensive as it is used in the passage below (paragraph 1)?

When a plane went down they mounted extensive searches and almost always they found the plane within a day or two.

A. speedy

B. thorough

C. immediate

D. external

B. thorough


6. Which passage from the text best supports this statement?

"Though he tries to deny it, Brian is affected by his parents’ recent separation."

A. “Maybe I should try and figure out just how I stand.”

B. “They would look for him, look for the plane. His father and mother would be frantic.”

C. “The father home or the mother home. He stopped the thinking. It didn’t matter.”

D. “He reached into his pockets and took out everything he had and laid it on the grass in front of him.”

C. “The father home or the mother home. He stopped the thinking. It didn’t matter.”


Ms.Nerona had a __________________________ when she read her student’s essays and they were all the same, word for word.



In Jayden’s attempt to  ____________________ Gabriel into thinking that there was no school tomorrow, he told Gabriel he was going to bed late since he didn’t have to be up early in the morning.



The teachers _________________ their students to behave so that they can win house points for their teams.



2. The repetition of the phrase “they would” in paragraphs 1-3 mainly suggests that Brian...

A. is excited for the adventures yet to come

B. doesn’t realize he’s in danger

C. is struggling to remain hopeful while scared

D. has a deep knowledge of rescue missions in the wild

C. is struggling to remain hopeful while scared


Which of these inferences about Brian’s old teacher Mr. Perpich is best supported by the text? 

A. He was an optimistic man who believed in his students.

B. He was a strict disciplinarian whom most students disliked.

C. He believed in always following the rules.

D. He was likely an experienced, resourceful camper himself.

A. He was an optimistic man who believed in his students.


Western Academy Charter uses the RCA house system and each house has students that belong to the same _____________________.



Ms.Nerona was so ___________________ when she kept telling us to write in our agendas while we were just trying to talk to each other before class started.



Ms.Yacub bought a ________________ of hay for a science experiment they were going to do in class.



3. Which of the following inferences about Brian is most strongly supported by the following passage (paragraph 5)?

Which home? The father home or the mother home. He stopped the thinking. It didn’t matter. Either on to his dad or back to his mother. Either way he would probably be home by late night or early morning, home where he could sit down and eat a large, cheesy, juicy burger with tomatoes and double fries with ketchup and a thick chocolate shake.

A. Brian is a happy, normal young man.

B. Brian knows he will be back home before the day’s end.

C. Brian doesn’t think his mother and father have his best interests in mind.

D. Brian’s parents are either divorced or separated.

D. Brian’s parents are either divorced or separated.


8. Which passage from the text best supports this statement?

"He was an optimistic man who believed in his students."

A. “‘You are your most valuable asset. Don’t forget that. You are the best thing you have.’”

B. “All Perpich would say is that I have to get motivated.”

C. “I wish you were here, Perpich. I’m hungry and I’d trade everything I have for a hamburger.”

D. “Perpich would tell him to quit messing around.”

A. “‘You are your most valuable asset. Don’t forget that. You are the best thing you have.’”


The students were in a ___________________ situation when the school started flooding and we had to stand on our desks to keep us from swimming in the water.



The school fell into _____________________ when they heard the loud thunder and rain outside before dismissal.



Mr.Brandi noticed that his students were a bit _____________________ before the FAST test and advised them to take a deep breath before starting.



4. The following passage (paragraphs 12-13) mainly suggests that .


It kept coming back to that. He had nothing."

A. Brian isn’t thinking about the tough situation he’s in

B. Brian is ready to give up

C. Brian is growing increasingly concerned and lonely

D. Brian has what it takes to survive in the wilderness

C. Brian is growing increasingly concerned and lonely


9. Which meaning of asset most closely matches its meaning in the following excerpt (paragraph 24)?

No, wait. One other thing. Those were all the things he had, but he also had himself. Perpich used to drum that into them—”You are your most valuable asset. Don’t forget that. You are the best thing you have.”

A. noun | something owned by a person or company

B. noun | a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality

C. noun | equipment employed in military operations, such as planes or ships

D. noun | the property of a deceased person

B. noun | a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality


Haya went to ___________________ Elsy when she found out that she failed the math test.



The school's test scores were ___________________ since the students weren’t studying anymore. The scores weren’t getting any worse, but also not getting any better.



The “buy one get one FREE” tshirt sale was a ___________________, because Camelia and Mia went to ask the front office about it and the office staff laughed in their face.



5. Which of the following conclusions about Brian’s state of mind is best supported by the excerpt? 

A. Brian is more than capable of saving himself from the challenges ahead.

B. Though he tries to deny it, Brian is affected by his parents’ recent separation.

C. Brian finds comfort in daydreaming of his teachers, family, and social life.

D. Even as the time passes, Brian remains fully confident that he will be rescued.

B. Though he tries to deny it, Brian is affected by his parents’ recent separation.


10. Which of these happened first?

A. Brian realizes he is extremely hungry.

B. Brian momentarily thinks about his complex situation with his parents.

C. Brian reassures himself that he will be rescued soon.

D. Brian takes stock of all of his supplies and materials.

C. Brian reassures himself that he will be rescued soon.


Atlas needed to ___________________ his fellow classmates if he wanted to be considered for the House Leader of Altruismo.



Arnav and Mason remain _________________  that they will get a 100% on this vocabulary test.



If the school building falls down it will be because the roof lost its _______________________.
