This rich genius constructs elaborate schemes, develops the Legion of Doom, and becomes President to prove he deserves to be idolized more than Superman
Lex Luthor
J. Jonah Jameson spent the majority of a newspaper's focus on creating smear campaigns against this NYC hero
This looney character constantly challenges Bugs Bunny to shootouts, always failing and declaring his hatred for "that rabbit"
Yosemite Sam
This space tyrant used racial slurs anytime to describe the Saiyan race, eventually genociding them from the galaxy because of his detest for them
This villain has killed Aquaman's father, child, attacked Mera, and hunts Aquaman at every opportunity
Black Manta
Despite being in a world full of superheroes, this group of people is constantly hated for having superpowers and a disease among humanity
Mutants / X-Men
This Decepticon constantly schemes to undermine or overthrow his leader, while talking down to his fellow Decepticons and Autobots; believing he is superior
This main character obtained his iconic title because he exclusively killed goblins and nothing else
Goblin Slayer
This evil speedster hates The Flash so much, that he continually travels back in time to ruin The Flash's day in elaborate and petty ways
Reverse Flash
Despite working to improve his image, this superhero constantly creates villains because of his cocky attitude and god complex personality
Tony Stark
This Irkin soldier cannot discuss human culture without vocalizing a sense of disgust and inferiority
Invader Zim
This character hates the concept of magic and destiny so much, that he defies fate and the laws of science to win children's card games
Seto Kaiba
This monster hates all living things that it will aggressively kill any living thing that crosses its path, especially if it is Kryptonian
This scientist is rightfully hated for slandering the savior of Earth, Dr. Doom
Reed Richards
This character hates all non-white ethnicities, quoting that White culture is superior and he himself is white and suffering from a skin affliction called revitiligo
Uncle Rukus
This famous kage hated the Uchiha clan so much, he segregated them in the village and constantly took jabs at pointing out how problematic they were - leading to their revolution and demise
Tobirama Senju - 2nd Hokage
This villain harbors intense resentment for Bruce Wayne, that he murdered his own parents, manipulated friends and foes alike, and got plastic surgery to look like Bruce Wayne to discredit his good name
Hush - Thomas Elliot
This character is hated by most Marvel characters for acting superior to everyone else and demanding respect because of his royal status, which he constantly boasts every chance he gets
This legendary Pokemon spent an entire movie chasing Deoxys, successfully killing one because it accidentally landed on Earth
This character has caused untold damage to the entire Joestar family by inspiring future villains and seeding chaos and destruction due to his charismatic and powerful personality
Dio Brando