Sometimes men wore ____________
What state did the Haudenosaunee live in?
New York State
Did the Haudenosaunee use letters or an alphabet?
Haudenosaunee people believe _________ created the world.
Who were the main hunters?
Name one thing Haudenosaunee children wore.
Options include:
Furs, animal skins, what adults wore
What type of home did the Haudenosaunee live in?
A long house
Using The Great Law of Peace
How many special ceremonies do the Haudenosaunee have?
Name something children would do.
- fish
-gather food
-participate in events, games, etc
Options: Cold, Fall/Winter
Name the Three Sisters
Corn, Beans, and Squash
What is the day we celebrate Native Americans and The Haudenosaunee called?
Indigenous People's Day
What special ritual was help when someone passed away?
A Condolence Ceremony
Who was responsible for taking care of the home?
Moccasins were strong, comfortable, and often __________________.
Decorated with designs
What type of tree was used in building long houses?
White Pine
When someone holds the Wampum belt, they are speaking ____________.
Name the Spirit that the Haudenosaunee believe created the world.
The Turtle Spirit
A popular food for the Haudenosaunee, this meal included cooked corn, squash, and beans.
What were the two most used materials for clothing making?
Plants and Animals
Grind to make corn meal and bread mush
Husks were used to wrap food for cooking
Corn was dried to grind into corn meal
When did the Tuscarora join the Confederacy?
In the 1700s
What do the 13 ceremonies represent for the Haudenosaunee?
The Thirteen Moons
Name a weapon used for hunting.
Options include:
-Bow & arrows