What time is it
Half hour
What time is it
What time is it If the Minute hand is on the 12 and the Hour hand is on 1 ?
What is 1:00 o-clock
What time will it be if the Minute hand is on the 6 and the Hour hand is on the 8
What is 8:30
What is it if the Hour hand is on the 2and the Minute hand is on the 9?
What is 2:45
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 4 and the Minute hand is on the 8?
What is 4:40
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 12 and the Minute hand is on the 12 ?
What is 12:00 o clock
What time is it if the Minute hand is on the 12 and the Hour hand is on the 6?
What is 6:00 o-clock
What time is it if the Minute hand is on the 5 and the Hour hand is on the 6?
What is 5:30
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 4 and the Minute hand is on the 9?
What is 4:45
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 11 and the Minute hand is on the 6?
What is 11:30
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 11 and the Minute hand is on the 12?
What is 11:00 o clock
What time is it if the Minute hand is on the is on the 12 and the Hour hand is on the 4?
What is 4:00 o-clock
What time would it be if the Hour hand if on the 11 and the and the Minute hand is on the 6?
What is 11:30
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 6 and the Minute hand is on the 9?
What is 6:45
What if the Hour hand was on the the 1 and the Minute hand was on the 7 ?
What is 1:35
What if the Hour hand was on the 12 and the Minute hand is on the 8
What is 12:40
What time is it if the Minute hand is on the 12 and the Hour hand is on the 8
What is 8:00 o-clock
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 9 and the Minute hand is on the 6?
What is 9:30
What time would it be if the Hour hand is on the 8 and the Minute hand is on the 9?
What is 8:45
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 9 and the Minute hand is on 9 ?
What is 9:45 or 15:9
What if the Hour hand is on the 5 and the Minute hand is on the 11 ?
What is 5:55
What time is it if the Minute hand is on the 12 and the Minute hands on the 10
What is 10:00 o-clock
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 7and the Minute hand is on the 6 ?
What is 7:30
What time is it if the Hour hand is on the 3 and the Minute hand is on the 9
What is 3:45
What if the Minute hand is on the 12 and the Hour hand is on 5 ?
What is 5:00
What if the Hour hand is on 2 and the Minute hand is on the 5?
What is 2:25