Spheres of Influence
Community Guidelines
Our Curriculum
Fun Facts

This program was established in 1994 and has trained over 300 graduate students, community professionals, self-advocates, and family advocates since.

What is the Hawaii MCH LEND Program?


Each of our program sessions will provide you with knowledge, skills, connections, and resources to help you build your capacity within at least one out of twelve of these.

What are the MCH Leadership Competencies?


This is what I should do if I feel sick on an in-person day.

What is stay home?


This day of the week, plus a couple of Saturdays, are honored as LEND days for trainees and the learning team.

What are Fridays?


This annual event is sponsored by the Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities and brings together 350+ attendees to build awareness and share the strengths and rights of people with developmental or intellectual disability with our community. It will be on Thursday, March 6 next year.

What is the Day at the Capitol?


LEND programs often operate within university systems. This is the one that our program operates within.

What is the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM)?


This Sphere of Influence includes MCH Knowledge Base/Context, Self-Reflection, Ethics, and Critical Thinking.

What is the Sphere of Self?


Our program's attendance policy allows a grace period of up to ______ absences over the year.

What is two?


The primary method of communication between trainees and the LEND learning team (faculty members and staff).

What is e-mail?


This is a parent-to-parent organization in Hawaii that provides information, support, and referrals to the parents of children and young adults with disabilities and the professionals who serve them. Their next annual conference will be on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

What is the Special Parent Information Network (SPIN)?


MCH LEND stands for this phrase...

What is Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities?


This Sphere of Influence includes Communication, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility and More!

What is the Sphere of Others?


This is what I should do to make-up a missed session...

What is: Review the module and resources and write a one-page reflection?


Our syllabus/training guide, weekly modules, resources, important links, and everything else you need for LEND can be found here.

What is Laulima?


The 40th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity will be on this date.

When is Tuesday, April 15 and Wednesday, April 16, 2025?


This federal agency was created on August 14, 1935 when President Roosevelt signed Title V of the Social Security Act into law. It supports the division of maternal and child health workforce development, including graduate education programs like LEND to educate the next generation of leaders.

What is the Maternal Child Health Bureau?


This Sphere of Influence includes Systems Approach and Policy.

What is the Sphere of Wider Community?


This is what I should do before joining a virtual session.

What is... check my internet connection, camera, lighting, and sound, eliminate distractions, get dressed, or join early.


These should be checked one week in advance and include all you need to know for an upcoming LEND session.

What are Laulima Weekly Modules?


This book will help to support you in developing your Individual Leadership Plan (ILP).

What is Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life?


This federal bill authorizes and funds the 60 LEND programs across the US and other programs that support autism education, research, and resources.

What is the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act?


A person who continually seeks new knowledge and improvement of abilities and skills and is responsive to changing community, state, social, scientific, and demographic environments.

What is a MCH Leader?


"No cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism" is one of the codes under this policy.

What is the University of Hawaii Student Code of Conduct?


These activities are done outside of session hours and might include watching videos, reading articles and books, preparing a presentation, and adding to a discussion board. 

What are asynchronous activities?


Each of us bring these with us to our community and everywhere we go. So does everyone we work with. And so does every keiki (child). We need to make room and hold space for ALL of these.

What are gifts?