1 Aloha
2 Hawaii
3 Hula
4 Honolulu
5 Hawaiian

What famous water sport is most commonly associated with Hawaii?

Surfing. The first written documentation of surfing is often credited to Captain James Cook, the first European to set foot on the islands of Hawaii.


What is Hawaii’s state flower: bird of paradise flower, yellow hibiscus, or plumeria?

Yellow hibiscus. This beautiful flower can be found throughout Hawaii, and in 1920 the hibiscus was adopted, in all its colors, as the state flower. However, in 1988, the yellow hibiscus was selected as the state’s official flower.


What U.S. president was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

Barack Obama. Obama served as the 44th president. Among his many accolades, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009


What island of Hawaii was devastated by widespread wildfires in August 2023?

Maui. The wildfires in Maui were a heartbreaking event that affected the lives of every single citizen on the island. The fires reportedly destroyed over 2,000 structures and caused $5.5 billion in damages.


What Hawaiian word means both “hello” and “goodbye”?

Aloha (ah-LOH-hah). However, there is much more to this word than many realize. Aloha is more of a way of life than it is a greeting in Hawaii. At its core, aloha means “love, affection, peace, and compassion.”


What devastating event in history occurred on December 7, 1941, on the island of Oahu?

The attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began around 8:00 a.m. on December 7, killing over 2,000 U.S. personnel. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan a day later. Today, the Pearl Harbor memorial is visited by over two million people per year.


What is the term for a party or feast that features traditional Hawaiian music and dances as well as a variety of Hawaiian delicacies?

Luau. The first luau celebrated the lifting of a ban that prohibited men and women from eating together in Hawaii and has since evolved from simple communal meals to extravagant celebrations.


What is the Hawaiian name for yellowfin tuna?

Ahi tuna. Although many believe the word ahi means “tuna,” it actually means “fire.” The fish were given that name because when they were being caught, they would pull the fishermen’s lines so fast that they would smoke against the canoes.


What is the name of the small guitar that is often associated with Hawaiian culture?

Ukulele. Historians believe that the ukulele arrived in Hawaii by way of the Portuguese, who arrived there during an economic downfall in Portugal. The Portuguese were reported to bring with them a small, guitar-like instrument that they called a machete. Over the years, the instrument changed in shape and size and was renamed the ukulele, which means “jumping fleas” in Hawaiian.


Which is the name of the world-renowned coffee that is grown and produced in only one region of Hawaii: Kona, Excelsa, or Typica?

Kona. Although there are a plethora of features that make Kona coffee unique, it is the volcanic soil that gives Kona coffee its exceptional quality. The volcanic soil of the Mauna Loa volcano contains minerals that enhance the coffee’s flavor.


What canned pork and ham product made by Hormel Foods Corporation became wildly popular in Hawaii during World War II?

: SPAM. The canned meat became popular due to its low cost and extended shelf life in 1937 and made its way to Hawaii when Pearl Harbor became a critical U.S. naval base. Today, Hawaii consumes the most SPAM per capita of any state at seven million cans per year.


What famous company, originally named the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, began growing and selling pineapples in the early 1900s?

Dole. In 1901, James Dole began growing pineapples on Oahu Island. When business began picking up, an engineer working for the company invented a machine that peeled, cut, and cored up to 100 pineapples per minute, leading to even more success.


What famous 2016 Disney movie takes place in a Polynesian village and follows a young girl who is determined to save her village by finding the demigod Maui: The Little Mermaid, Moana, or Swiss Family Robinson?

Moana. While on a research trip across the Pacific, producers were often told by those living in the Polynesian villages that the oceans do not separate the islands of Hawaii but rather connect them in profound ways. This theme can be seen throughout the movie.


What is the name of the official state fish of Hawaii?

The Hawaiian triggerfish, aka humuhumunukunukuapua’a (HOO-moo-HOO-moo-NOO-koo-NOO-koo-AH-poo-AH-ah). When it was time to determine a state fish, a public survey was put out, and the humuhumunukunukuapua’a was selected. Humuhumunukunukuapua’a means “triggerfish with a snout like a pig.”


How many main islands make up Hawaii?

Eight. Although Hawaii recognizes over 130 islands, the most well-known are the eight largest—Hawaii, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, and Oahu.


. What is the name of the floral wreath that people wear around their neck and often receive when arriving in Hawaii?

A lei. In Hawaii, the lei is a symbol of love, friendship, celebration, and greeting. The tradition of receiving a lei began with early Polynesian voyagers. Today, leis are often worn to mark a significant milestone or achievement.


Hawaii is one of only two states in America (California being the other) that grows which crop: bananas, oranges, or coffee?

Coffee. It was in 1820 that Brazilian coffee made its way to Hawaii, and due to its altitude, sunlight, rainfall, and land, the crop flourished.


Which nut was the first to be grown commercially in Hawaii: cashew, walnut, or macadamia?

Macadamia. Although Hawaii was the site of the world’s first commercial macadamia nut farm, it is a common misconception that the nut is native to Hawaii. It was plant collector and investor William Purvis who planted the macadamia nut tree in Hawaii after a trip he took to Australia.


What is the name of the cuisine that consists of raw fish diced and tossed in sauce as either an appetizer or a main course: manapua (mah-NAH-poo-ah), poke (po-kay), or loco moco?

Poke. Poke originated in Hawaii when fishermen would cut up whatever reef fish they caught and serve it raw, seasoned with sea salt and seaweed.


 What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor? What U.S. battleship can still be seen in the waters of Pearl Harbor?

USS Arizona. The famous USS Arizona was one of four battleships sunk during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but unlike the other three ships, it was not raised. In 1958, legislation was approved for the creation of the USS Arizona Memorial. Today, it is visited by over two million people a year.


What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian dance characterized by fluid movements of the hands, hips, and feet?

The hula. The hula is a dance that is steeped in Hawaiian tradition. It is meant to symbolize culture and community and is used to tell stories, express emotions, and connect with the spirit world.


What is the name of the police drama set in Hawaii that stars Jack Lord and James MacArthur?

Hawaii Five-0. Hawaii Five-0 features the investigations of an elite branch of the Hawaii state police known as the Hawaii Five-0. The show first aired in the late 1960s and became the first crime show to run for more than a decade.


What is the common nickname for Hawaii that is also used to prevent confusion between the island of Hawaii and the state of Hawaii?

The Big Island. The island of Hawaii is often known as the Big Island because it is the largest of the islands that make up the state of Hawaii. The Big Island is over 4,500 square miles and accounts for over 60 percent of the state’s land mass.


What famous actress known for her roles in films like Beaches, For the Boys, The Rose, and Hocus Pocus was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

Bette Midler. Midler studied drama at the University of Hawaii and eventually made her way to New York City to pursue her dream of being an actress.


What famous 1993 movie was filmed in Hawaii and centers around an amusement park where dinosaurs are the main attraction?

Jurassic Park. In the film, the park is located on the fictional island of Isla Nublar, but the filming was done on multiple islands of Hawaii. Both Maui and Oahu were prime locations to bring the movie to life.