How long has the area been sacred to the Hawaiians?
What is, centuries!
Hawaiians don't really care about the volcanoes.
What is, ABSOLUTELY FALSE!!!!!!!!
How does a volcano explode? (Explain in Your Own Words)
What is, Pressure builds up until the gases escape violently and explode.
What's a volcano? (Explain in your own words)
What is, Volcanoes are openings, or vents where lava, tephra (small rocks), and steam erupt onto the Earth's surface.
What is a sacred Hawaiian site?
What is heiau (Hawaiian Temples)
‘Īlio Holo I Ka Uaua is a turtle.
What is, FALSE!!
Which volcano erupts the most?
What is, Kilauea
What does Manua Loa mean in Hawaiian?
What is, Long Mountain
Which god is believed to reside in Kilauea?
What is, the goddess Pele
Wana(animal) are birds that can fly 4,000 miles at a time.
What is, FALSE! Wana are Sea Urchins!
Did the Ancient Hawaiians view the volcanoes as a source of creation or destruction?
What is, Both!
What's a National Park? ( Explain in your own words)
What is, a scenic or historically important area of countryside protected by the federal government for the general public's enjoyment or the preservation of wildlife.
What did the goddess Pele do?
What is, she created the entire island
Hawaii Volcanoes has many types of rocks.
What is, TRUE!!!
Which is the largest volcano in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park? This is also the largest volcano on the surface of Earth.
What is, Mauna Loa
What does active mean in Volcanic terms?
What is, it means it erupts frequently.
How was Kilauea formed?
What is, it started as a submarine volcano and slowly built up.
The 'Io is a Hawaiian Hawk that is native to Hawaii
What is, TRUE!
What does Mauna Loa do every year?
What is, it shrinks under its own weight.
What is Biodiversity? (define in your own words)
What is, biodiversity is where the diversity of the animals in a certain area is very broad. In simpler terms, it means that the animals are different.