Bibile Study (New Testament)
Bible Study 2 (Old testament)
Ethics and Life Skill
EOTC Holly Places

What did Jesus feed the 5,000 men, besides women and children?

A) Fish and bread
B) Wine and bread
C) Water and fish
D) Figs and honey

Answer: A) Fish and bread


What was the first bird that Noah sent out from the ark?

A) A dove
B) A sparrow
C) A raven
D) An eagle

  • Answer: C) A raven

In the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, forgiveness is considered:

A) Optional, depending on the situation
B) A sign of weakness
C) A necessary part of Christian life
D) Something that should only be given to family members


  • C) A necessary part of Christian life (Matthew 6:14-15)

Situated northwest of Addis Ababa, it is one of the most important monastic centers in Ethiopia. Founded in the 13th century by Saint Tekle Haymanot, the monastery is known for its historical significance and beautiful surroundings. The current church, built in the 1960s, is an important pilgrimage site.

Debre Libanos Monastery


Who is traditionally believed to have brought the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia?

A) King Solomon
B) King David
C) King Menelik I
D) Queen of Sheba


C) King Menelik I


Who was the prophet who confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?

A) Elisha
B) Samuel
C) Isaiah
D) Elijah


D) Elijah


What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?

A) Mount Sinai
B) Mount Ararat
C) Mount Carmel
D) Mount Zion


     A) Mount Sinai


What is the Ethiopian Orthodox Church's view on honesty in day-to-day life?

A) It is important only in business dealings
B) Honesty is essential in all aspects of life
C) It is acceptable to lie in certain situations
D) Honesty is a personal decision, not a moral obligation


  • B) Honesty is essential in all aspects of life

the most famous religious site in Ethiopia. Known for its eleven rock-hewn churches, it is often referred to as the "New Jerusalem." The churches were carved out of solid rock in the 12th century under the rule of King Lalibela. Each church is unique, with intricate designs and religious symbolism, and the site is a major pilgrimage destination, especially during religious holidays like Genna (Ethiopian Christmas).



What book of the Bible recounts the story of the Queen of Sheba’s visit to King Solomon?

A) 1 Kings
B) 2 Samuel
C) 1 Chronicles
D) Isaiah


A) 1 Kings (1 Kings 10:1-13)


What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus?

A) Love your neighbor as yourself
B) Keep the Sabbath holy
C) Love the Lord your God with all your heart
D) Do not bear false witness


C) Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Matthew 22:37)


Which Old Testament character was known for his strength?

A) Solomon
B) Samson
C) Saul
D) David


B) Samson


What does the Ethiopian Orthodox Church teach about the Christian’s responsibility towards the environment?

A) The environment should be exploited for human benefit
B) Caring for creation is part of respecting God’s gifts
C) Nature is separate from spiritual life
D) The environment is unimportant


  • B) Caring for creation is part of respecting God’s gifts

the spiritual center of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and one of the oldest continuously inhabited places in Africa. It is believed to house the Ark of the Covenant in the Church of St. Mary of Zion. According to Ethiopian tradition, the Ark was brought to Ethiopia by King Menelik I, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The site also includes ancient obelisks, tombs of kings, and other archaeological wonders.

Axum (Aksum)


What is the Ethiopian Orthodox feast day that commemorates the finding of the True Cross by Empress Helena?

A) Timkat
B) Meskel
C) Fasika
D) Genna


  • B) Meskel

What was the name of the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?

A) Herod
B) Caesar
C) Pontius Pilate
D) Felix


C) Pontius Pilate


How many days did Jonah spend in the belly of the great fish?

A) One day
B) Three days
C) Seven days
D) Forty days


B) Three days


In Ethiopian Orthodox life skills, how is time management viewed?

A) As irrelevant, since God controls time
B) As a skill necessary for balancing prayer, work, and family
C) As unimportant compared to wealth
D) As something that should be avoided to allow flexibility


  • B) As a skill necessary for balancing prayer, work, and family

Located on a cliff in northern Ethiopia, it is one of the oldest monasteries in Ethiopia, dating back to the 6th century. Only men are allowed to enter the monastery, and visitors must climb a rope to reach the top of the cliff. The monastery is known for its ancient manuscripts and the stunning view from the top.

Debre Damo Monastery


According to Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, which Ethiopian eunuch was baptized by Philip the Evangelist?

A) A servant of the Queen of Sheba
B) A royal scribe
C) The treasurer of Queen Candace
D) A high priest of Axum


  • C) The treasurer of Queen Candace (Acts 8:26-40)

Who was the first person to see Jesus after He was resurrected?

A) Peter
B) John
C) Mary Magdalene
D) Thomas


  • C) Mary Magdalene

Who was the king that had a dream about a statue made of different metals, which Daniel interpreted?

A) Nebuchadnezzar
B) Cyrus
C) Darius
D) Solomon


A) Nebuchadnezzar


Which of the following is an important aspect of life in community, according to the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition?

A) Competing for resources
B) Isolation from others
C) Cooperation and mutual support
D) Independence without concern for others


  • C) Cooperation and mutual support

the source of the Blue Nile, _____ lake is home to several ancient Ethiopian Orthodox monasteries located on islands and peninsulas. Some of the most famous monasteries include Ura Kidane Mehret, Daga Estifanos, and Tana Kirkos. These monasteries house ancient religious relics, manuscripts, and icons.

Lake Tana and the Monasteries


In Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, how many books are included in the broader canon of the Bible (Old and New Testament)?

A) 66
B) 73
C) 81
D) 88


C) 81