What is the correct garbing order for Hazardous PPE (from the very start to last)
Bouffant, Mask, Beard Cover/Hood if applicable, First Pair of Booties, Second Pair of Waterproof Booties, NonHD Gown, First Pair of Sterile Gloves, HD Gown, Second Pair of HD Gloves
Do we have a policy for HD spill kits and where would you find it?
Yes! You would find it on the hub - Policies - Departmental Policies - Pharmacy. We are in the process of updating this policy, more to come!
What is the name of our sporicidal cleaner that is shown to deactivate many of the top used HD compounds?
What ISO Class in the Primary Engineering Control we use to compound HDs?
What ISO Class is the HD Buffer Room?
How often do you have to change your second pair of HD gloves while continuously compounding HDs?
Every 30 minutes
When do you clean up a spill once it happens?
What is the contact time for our sporicidal disinfectant?
3 minutes! Remember, the stinkier, the longer it sits!
What is the full name of the Primary Engineering Control we use for compounding HDs?
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)
True/False: The HD Buffer Room is positively pressured to help keep contamination out.
False! The HD room is negatively pressured to help keep HD contamination in the room.
What garb is reusable when compounding HDs?
NONE! :)
How do you clean up a HD powder spill?
If a spill is solid, place absorbent towels wetted with water on top of the spill. NEVER attempt to clean up dry powder without the use of water. (Sterile Water if spill is in the IV room)
Are the outside of HD vials shown to have HD contamination?
YES! That is why it is so important to wipe down HD vials with an appropriate agent
When can you lift the sash of the BSC?
ONLY if you are wearing a PAPR!
What ISO Class is the Anteroom because of the HD Buffer Room?
How often should you change your HD gown when continuously compounding HDs?
Every 3 hours
True/False, you should evacuate the area of the spill besides the personnel cleaning the spill.
What would be an instance where we would use another cleaning agent besides our sporicidal in the HD Buffer Room?
A triple clean (TB 1, Peridox, Peridox, sIPA where applicable)
Where does the BSC exhaust to?
Outside of the facility, high above the roof
What is the required pressure range for the HD Buffer room?
-0.01 and -0.03
What is the standard ASTM standard for HD gloves?
ASTM D6978 or newer
Where are our HD Spill Kits located within the Pharmacy?
Site specific
Is Sterile 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (sIPA) a disinfectant in the way we use it?
What is the specific cleaning order/direction for cleaning a BSC?
Ceiling, Bar (if reachable), Back, Sides, Inside of Sash, Deck
What happens if the HD Buffer Room is too negative?
We don't want the HD Buffer Room to be too negative because once it goes below -0.03, the risk of microbial contamination is very high. Often, it can start pulling in microbes from sprinkler heads, return grates, etc.