It is a large rotating ______ .
A drought is when there is an extended period of ________.
below-normal rainfall
Thunderstorms are the most common kind of ______.
severe storms
What is a blizzard?
bad snowstorm
How fast can hurricane winds be?
74 miles per hour
Why do droughts occur?
Lack of rainfall and/or not enough water supply.
What do most energetic storms create?
Hail, or even tornadoes
Blizzards can have blowing winds that are above ____.
35 miles per hour
What is a hurricane called in the Indian Ocean?
Tropical cyclone
When are the dry seasons in the United States?
summer through fall
How does a thunderstorm start?
When intense heating causes air to rise very quickly.
When do Arctic air masses sweep into the United States from Canada?
In winter
What is a hurricane called in Southeast Asia?
Do droughts occur all over the world?
Where are thunderstorms more prevalent?
east of the Rocky Mountains
Typically the lowest temperature is around ______ .
20 degrees fahrenheit
Typical cyclones occur over the ocean in areas near the ______.
What are the effects of droughts?
wildfires, desertification, destruction of habitat, disease, thirst, famine etc.
How many thunderstorms occur each year?
16 million
When the two air masses crash, there is a ______ .
winter storm