A fracture in which the broken bone segments are at an angle to each other.
What is an angulated fracture?
Loss of muscle function through injury, disease or damage to its nerve supply. Typically caused by a stroke or spinal cord injury.
What is paralysis?
Is the most common type of shoulder location.
The Corpsman may see the arm of the patient held in slight abduction and external rotation.
Anterior dislocation
When measuring a SAM splint you should...
Utilize the uninjured side to measure and form the splint.
There are three types of muscles:
____ under conscious control of the brain via nervous system
____ found in the GI system, lungs, and blood vessels.
____ specialized form found only in the heart.
Voluntary, skeletal muscle
Involuntary, smooth muscle, visceral muscle
Cardiac muscle.
An injury to an extremity with no associated opening in the skin.
The stretching or tearing of a ligament that causes pain and disability.
Muscle or tendon injury resulting from violent contraction or excessive force.
What is a sprain?
What is a strain?
The most commonly fractured carpal bone. Mechanism of injury is commonly referred to Fallen On Outstretched Hand (FOOSH)
What is a scaphoid bone?
To protect yourself while moving the patient you should
This part of the scapula is the highest portion of the shoulder.
What is the acromion process.
A fracture in which the bone is broken in several places.
An articulation in which the rounded head of a bone fits into a cupcake cavity of the other and allows multidirectional movement and rotation.
Formed between two or more bones where the bones can fly move to flex or extend.
What is a Ball-and-socket joint?
What is a hinge joint?
Patients should maintain fitness with low-impact activities such as swimming and cycling when the have a DX of ________.
Medial tibial Stress Syndrome (Shine Splints)
Never reach more than ____ inches in front of your body.
20 inches in front of your body.
It provides structure and support for the body and houses and protects the spinal cord. It has ____ which are divided into five sections.
What is the Vertebral Column
33 vertebrae
Injury caused when tissues such as blood vessels and nerves are constricted within a space as from swollen or from a tight dressing or cast.
What is compartment syndrome?
Certain MOI are associated with a high risk for spinal injury. Name 4 of the 5.
Falls from greater than 1 meter or down more than 5 stairs
Axial loading
High speed MVC
ATV crashes
Bicycle collisions.
Application of a traction splint can be important for tamponade of further blood loss into the thigh for what type of fracture.
What is Femur fracture
If the patient is in immediate danger you ay have to move the patient before assessing the patient, immobilizing, the patient's spine, or moving a stretcher into position.
What is an Emergency Move
The musculoskeletal system has five main functions.
What is
Provide support
Protect internal organs
Provide leverage and movement
Produce blood cells
store minerals and lipids
A form of arthritis, is a disorder of purine metabolism that results from an elevated serum uric acid level.
What is gout?
The _____ ____ _____ helps protect from further injury and to keep the patient immobilized.
What is long spine board
Apply a _____________ to any patient who may have an injury to the spine based on MOI, Hx, or signs and symptoms.
What is a C-Collar or rigid cervical collar
The navy service litter most commonly used fro transporting sick or injured persons is the stokes stretcher.
designed for rapid immobilization of spinal and neck injuries in tight places.
used to lift a patient from the ground to a stretcher.
What is a stokes basket?
What is a Reeves Stretcher?
What is a direct ground lift?
Two distinct landmarks for the ankle at the lower end of the fibula and at the lower end of the tibia
lateral malleolus
Medial malleolus