You have the right to make choices about how your room or house is...
You have the right to have the opportunities you would like to be active and an included member of your neighborhood
You have the right do decide what you want to do and how you want to spend your time.
You have the right to adequate and humane care. Your provider needs to provide you with the support you need to complete your ________ ____ in a respectful way
Personal Care
In 1999, the Supreme _____ said individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the community. The Supreme _____ has the final say on how laws work.
People who rent houses
You have the right to get the same kinds of jobs as people without disabilities
You have the right to e__ food what you want and when you want.
The s______ you need should be part of your Person-centered plan and provided to you
The HCBS rule says you have these ______: to live in the community with people without disabilities, have a person centered plan, have freedom, have respect and privacy, and not be restrained or secluded.
You have the right to lock the door to your room and people should not come into your room without asking
Your provider is responsible for making sure you have a ride to and from activities you want to participate in
You have the choice of w____ you live, w____ you receive day programming, w____ you work, ect.
People or places that give you health care or services. AID is one of these
You can make your own choices about your life. You can make small choices and big choices
You have the right to have ______ at any time and can decide what you do together.
You have a right to control your own budget and decide how to spend your _____
You have the choice w___ you can go out, w___ you go to bed, w___ you eat, etc.
You have the right to live in the same places as people without disabilities (neighborhood, city, town)
You should be at and in charge of you person-centered _______. At the _______ the team makes a plan to show how your services help you meet your needs and desires
Providers have to make sure your house is _______ to you.
You have the right to make ______ about your life (employment, living arrangement, day program, free time, friends, provider, etc.)
Is when someone stops someone else from moving, you have the right to be free from this.
A program the government made to help people with disabilities. This gives people health care.
your Services should provide opportunities for integration and access to the community, choice, respect for your individual rights, and independence. If your services don't offer these opportunities, you need to speak up!