Infection Control
Resident Rights

CDC recommends scrubbing this long while you are washing hands...

a. 10 seconds

b. The length of time it takes to sing happy birthday 

c. 20 seconds

d. 60 seconds

C. 20 seconds


HCC residents have the rights to be fully informed of their health status. It is important to use complex terminal medical terminology while talking to them so they know you are smart and very capable as an HCC employee.

False - the residents have a right to be informed of their health status in a way that is easily understood by them; ex. speak slowly / clearly, use simple terms and maintain eye contact 


Name two types of abuse...

Physical, verbal, financial, sexual, mental... 


The acronym, HIPAA, is an abreviation for...

a. The Housing Individuals Perpetually & Assembly Act

b. The Happy Interesting People Association Act

c. The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

d. its short for "hypocritical" 

C. The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act


True or false - it is NEVER a good idea to identify yourself or use the resident's name when you speak to them.

FALSE. Its always a good idea 

give two examples of personal protective equipment (PPE)
gloves, masks, gowns, goggles, hand sanitizer 

True or False - It is okay for HCC residents to self administer drugs, even if the drugs are deemed unsafe.

False - residents have the right to self-administer drugs only if the drugs are safe and not contraindicated. 


In your own words describe the difference between abuse and neglect.

Abuse - action on the resident that causes harm

neglect - lack of action on the resident that causes harm

True or False - As long as HIPAA violations are accidents, there is no corrective action and education needed.

False - While accidents happen, even if mistakes are made, HIPAA violations are extremely serious and should be avoided. Even accidental HIPAA violations have possible legal ramifications.


When communicating with a resident what are some techniques you can use to ensure they are able to understand you?

acceptable answers: eye contact, speak slowly, enunciate, speak loudly enough to be heard, get down on their level, smile, stay positive, etc.


True or False - Used needles / sharps can be thrown away in any trash can, as long as the protective cap or cover is used.

False - used needles / sharps are to be disposed of only in the proper sharps containers

HCC residents have the right to interact with the community.....

a. Inside and outside of the facility

b. Only in the sunporch 

c. Outside of the facility only, no visitors allowed

a. Inside and outside of the facility

When is it acceptable to seclude or separate residents against their will?

involuntary seclusion is abuse and never allowed, however short-term separation with therapeutic value (to reduce agitation, etc) is not considered involuntary seclusion


True or False - any information relating to a resident's condition, treatment, personal affairs, or records (computerized or hard copies) must be kept confidential and can never be released to any one under any circumstances whatsoever.

False! Personal information can ONLY be released with the approval of the resident (or the resident's guardian) or when compelled to do so pursuant to legal process or applicable law.


True or False - If you are not sure what a resident is saying / asking for, it is always better to make a guess than ask for clarification. 

False. Asking for clarification is best practice. 


True or False - Storing clean and soiled linens together is acceptable as long as the director of nursing is notified in writing.

False - clean and soiled linen should always be stored separately to avoid cross contamination

True or false - HCC residents have the right to personal privacy / confidentiality of their clinical and personal records.



Christian is a resident at HCC. He reports that he was not given dinner last night. Is this abuse or neglect?

Neglect - withholding a meal is considered neglect

Why is it a good idea to use your indoor voice while discussing resident information with colleagues?

a. Speaking loudly you could be overheard and be guilty of a HIPAA violation by inadvertently sharing confidential medical information without proper permission / consent.

b. Because being quiet indoors is polite and we always want to be polite. 

C. Because you could unintentionally hurt your colleague's ears and scare / startle them

a. Speaking loudly you could be overheard and be guilty of a HIPAA violation by inadvertently sharing confidential medical information without proper permission / consent.


Why would you choose to avoid medical terminology and complex language / terms while speaking to a resident?

They may not understand the medical jargon and are still entitled to understand their treatment and care. Using easily accessible language ensures there is less confusion for the resident to have better understanding of what they need to know.


How many times should Kleenex or tissue be reused before discarding?

Kleenex / tissue should be thrown away immediately after first use. Never to be reused. 


True or false - HCC residents are not allowed to view the results of the most recent state survey or any plans of correction that have been suggested.

False. They have the right to view the current survey and it must be posted in a place readily accessible to the residents.


True or false - Screaming at and making derogatory comments about an resident is an example of physical abuse. 

False - that is considered verbal abuse


True or false - Violations of the HIPAA policy are unfortunate but cannot be punished professionally or legally.

False - HIPAA violations may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination 


Which of the following is not a technique that enhances clear communication?

a. Using simple language

b. Making Eye contact

c. Using a bull horn

d. Using the resident's name

C. Using a bull horn 

True or False - Proper hand hygiene is optional if gloves are worn. 
False - proper hand washing is required, gloves are not a substitute for hand washing

True or False - HCC residents have the right to be cared for in a manner and environment that promotes enhancement of quality of life, dignity, and respect. 



True or False - Humiliating, harassing, depriving and threatening residents is acceptable as long as there is no physical or sexual abuse.

False. abuse and neglect of any kind of is never tolerated.


Whose responsibility is it to protect resident information?

Everyone who works at HCC is responsible to protect resident information

True or false - It is okay to make disparaging comments about residents and jokes at their expense as long as the residents don't understand you.

False! The residents have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.