School Rules
HCS Trivia
True or False

If you are dismissed from class and are heading to Chapel...

put your backpacks in your next class. If you have PE put your backpack in the cubbies by the office.

What are the rules for decorating lockers?

Use painters tape or magnets only. Stickers and markers are not allowed. 


Describe how you should behave in the hallway.

Use inside voices, don't block the hallway, keep hands and feet to yourself while in the hallway, no running at any time in the building or going to and from PE and Chapel. 


What is our school mascot?

The husky! 


It is okay to leave food and drinks in lockers.

False! Water only is allowed in the lockers. Do not leave food overnight in the lockers. 


If you are done eating your food in the cafeteria,

then clean up your area before going to play.

Throw all trash in the trash cans. 


Describe the language you should use. 

Language should always be kind and courteous. Foul language is not tolerated. 


Describe how you should enter chapel and where you should sit. 

Enter the gym in an orderly fashion. Use inside voices, as you would if you were entering church.

Sit in your assigned section in the gym with your homeroom class.


Someone who has attended Hope for all grades is called a...

A lifer! 


Roughhousing and tackling are not allowed. 

True! Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times. 

If you are playing sports during lunch time, be safe. Touch football is allowed (no tackle).


If you are lining up for lunch...

then you should form a single file line when ordering food. You may not cut in line and you should not crowd around those who are ordering. 


Describe the rules for the playground. 

Leave landscape material on the ground. Only sit on the bench of picnic tables. Keep all playground equipment within the walls of the playground. Touch football only. Play Foursquare in the designated courts. Be courteous to those still inside classrooms - do not congregate near windows or throw balls at the building walls. Ask a duty teacher for help if an item goes over the chain link fence. 


What is the procedure for a fire drill? 

Line up with your class, quietly leave your classroom and walk to the designated area to line up outside the school. Stay with your class lined up along the wall until we are given an "All clear" to return to class. No talking at all, this includes in the hallways walking to and from the drill. 


The wonderful Chaplain for HCS is...

Chaplain Floyd! 


Talking during chapel is okay as long as others are talking too. 

False! In Chapel, you should give your honor to God by making God the focus of your attention, not your friends. Sit up straight, no talking, worship during praise, listen during the message, bring your bible, clap at appropriate times but not to be disruptive. 


If I need the bathroom, then...

go during your passing periods. You will only be allowed to use the restroom during class if it is an emergency. 


How should you treat staff members and adults at HCS? 

Adults are to be respected at all times. Answer adults with a "Yes/No, Sir/Ma'am". 


What is the procedure for using the cubbies?

The cubbies should be used to store your backpacks when you are headed to PE or if you are headed to chapel and your next class is PE. 

Fill in the cubbies completely before putting backpacks on the floor in front of the cubbies.


What is the Hope Mission Statement?

To Pray for, Equip and Send Christ-centered, passionate leaders to change the world. 


If you have a lunch clean up, you can sit at any table as long as you help clean up after you eat. 

False. You must sit at the designated table. After eating, you will be assigned your area for clean-up by the lunch duty teacher. 

You will be dismissed by the lunch duty teacher.


If a lockdown occurs during lunch or during passing period...

then follow the instruction from the duty teacher at lunch. If it is safer to leave campus, then you will be instructed to do so.

During a passing period, go into the nearest open classroom. 


Who is allowed to use the elevator? 

The elevator is ONLY for students who are injured and cannot use the stairs and have obtained permission from the office.


Describe the procedure for a Shelter in Place. How is this different than a Lock Down? 

For a Shelter in Place, stay in your classrooms and lock the door. You may work quietly. If you need the restroom (emergency), let your teacher know and the office/security will escort you. For a lockdown, lights are off and window shades are closed. Stop working. No talking. Your teacher will instruct you where to gather.


How long has the new elementary building been around?

3 years! This year will be year 4. 


You are allowed to jump over the chain fence whenever you'd like to retrieve a lost item.

False! Ask a duty teacher for help to safely retrieve the lost item.