Mastery of developmental tasks appropriate for the age or developmental stage of an individual
What is competence?
Mental health, physical health, cognitive ability
What are risk or resilience factors at the Individual ecological system level?
A way of defining whether someone is showing effective adaptation to their environment and measure positive adaptation
What is competence?
Can help offset adverse childhood experiences and increase resilience
What are PACEs?
Promotes mastery motivation and provide students the right level of challenge
What is scaffolding?
The dynamic process involving both adversity and positive adaptation
What is resilience?
Teachers, family, coworkers
What are risk or resilience factors at the Microsystem ecological system level?
African-American women of any socioeconomic status
What is the U.S. demographic group with the poorest outcomes for infant and maternal health?
Which warm but structured parenting style is associated with promotive and protective outcomes for child development?
What is authoritative parenting?
Provide interventions that target multiple ecological levels
What is the best way to promote an adolescent's chance for resilience?
Some children are more affected by their environment, for both positive and negative influences
What is differential susceptibility?
Maladaptive, Vulnerable, Resilient, Competent
What are the subgroups of the Risk-Adaptation model?
Includes toddlers and preschoolers (ages 1-5)
What is early childhood?
A list of protective factors known to be important for positive development as well as the capacity to respond to adversity
What are the key adaptive systems (according to Masten)?
Allowing youth to have opportunities to practice coping skills and deal with setbacks helps them develop resilience over time
What is steeling?
Mechanism that buffers a person's reaction to adversity so that adaptation was better than expected.
What is a protective factor?
A cultural attitude that family matters are private and should not be questioned
What is a macrosystem level risk factor?
More likely to report low life satisfaction
What is a long-term effect of children exposed to chronic alcoholism?
An evidence-based parenting intervention that teaches effective parenting skills
What is the nurse-family partnership?
The most major life transition people experience
What is adolescence?
The spread of developmental consequences from one domain to another (“competence begets competence”)
What is developmental cascade?
High adversity / good adaptation
What is the exposure to adversity and adaptive behavior combination in the resilient subgroup of the risk-adaptation model?
Birth through 1 year
What is the age range of infancy?
Apply research to promote people's capacity for resilience
What is the goal of the field of Prevention Science?
A multi-level, strengths-based approach to development in the teenage years
What is Positive Youth Development (PYD)?