Sleep Hygiene
Healthy Habits
Defense Mechanisms
Do you know PHP?

These should be avoided up to 3-4 hours before sleep. 

What is caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.


Starting on Thursday, you should start thinking about what in conjunction to the next 3 days?

What is your safety plan. (weekend planning)


Refusing to accept reality

What is denial.


What are some ways you can practice self-care in relationships?

What are: setting clear boundaries, clear and open communication, saying "no" when needed, honesty, ask for help, etc.


The practitioner usually rounds on what days?

What is Tuesday and Thursday.


You should avoid doing this throughout the day to promote better sleep at night.

What is napping.


A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

What is mindfulness.


Using your imagination to escape an unpleasant situation

What is daydreaming.


Name at least 4 ways to get the most out of this program.

What is: express your needs, participate in each group, on time and stay for the entire day, put into practice what you learn when you are not at program.


True or False: Once you start PHP you cannot leave until you've completed the program.

What is false.


It is recommended that the average adult get this many hours of sleep.

What is 7-9 hours.


What is a Habit?

What is: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary


Putting negative feelings on someone else

What is projection.


What reflects an individual's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is the decision made by an individual as an attitude toward self.

What is self-esteem.


You go to this type of person to discuss your discharge and FMLA/Disability papers.

What is one of the therapist.


True or False: We have total control over when we fall asleep.

What is False


Name one self-care item for each of the 5 senses.

What is...

sight         touch

smell         sound



Expressing emotions like anger or disappointment in very childlike ways

What is regression.


One average, how long does it take for antidepressants to reach therapeutic levels?

A. 1-2 weeks

B. 4-6 months

C. 5-7 days

D. 6-8 weeks

What is D. 6-8 weeks


True or false: If you stay in the program but miss a considerable amount of days that will not affect insurance coverage.

What is false.


Its great to do this within the first 2 hours of waking up, but avoid doing this 2 hours before going to bed.

What is eating a meal.


Name at least 3 of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

What is Essential human needs, safety, love and belonging, self-esteem, and purpose and meaning to life 


Making excuses for or justifying behavior to avoid a problem or to gain acceptance

What it rationalization.


True or False: Once you are discharged from PHP, we can no longer assist in medications.

What is: False


Name at least 4 things you should keep the nurses up-to-date-on

What is outpatient psychiatric appointments, medication changes, medication side effects, medications that need refills, and the worsening symptoms.