when is likhil BORN
on 10/10/2014
on which panet is olympus mons
mars (not the chocolate bar)
what is the fifth planet from the sun
what is the sun
a star
off topic what is (6+4)x(5+3)=
what will happen if sharks go extinct
there will be too many fish and so less plankton and the trees will die and there will be too much co2 and everything will die
what is the tempareture on venus
467 degrees
off topic what is likhils favourite animal
bengal tiger
how old is the sun
4.6 billion years
black hole can be the biggest thing in the universe yes or no
off topic how many space shark gif were there on the end slide
how many satelites are orbiting the earth right now
where was the small t
at the begin of the second paragraph
what is a birthplace for stars
in how many years will Rigel explode (it is a star)
one million years
off topic what is 5674+3265 answer it in 5 seconds
the diameter of the sun
what is the short form of Hercules-Corona Borealis great wall
when is Mahin born
how many % of earths gravity is there on mercury
off topic what are the three parts of the brain
cerebrum crebellum brainstem
what is the largest known structure in the universe
The Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall