The two parts of the cranium
What are the neurocranium and the viscerocranium
What is the foramen magnum
Muscle that allows you to press your cheek against your teeth
What is the buccinator
What is helping move the mandible during chewing and talking
Main function of the facial nerve
What is motor innervation to the muscles of facial expression
Suture that separates the parietal and occipital bones
What is the lambdoid suture
The suture that separates the two parietal bones
What is the sagittal suture
Muscle that elevates and protrudes the lower lip
What is the mentalis
Muscle that closes the jaw and is fan shaped
What is the Temporalis
Two main functions of the trigeminal nerve
What is sensory innervation of the face and motor innervation of the muscles of mastication
One of the thinnest portions of the skull located at the junction of the temporal, parietal, occipital, and sphenoid bones
What is the Pterion
What is the greater wing
Muscle that helps depress the mandible and tenses skin of the inferior face and neck
What is the platysma
Muscle that opens and protrudes the jaw as well as allowing side to side grinding action
What is the lateral pterygoid
This branch of the trigeminal nerve provides sensory and motor innervation
What is the mandibular branch
The joint where the condylar process of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone
What is the TMJ
The process of the temporal bone located just posterior to the auricle
What is the mastoid process
Muscle that deepens the furrow between the nose and corner of the mouth during sadness
Levator labii superioris possibly the levator anguli oris
What is the masseter
This branch of the trigeminal nerve provides sensory innervation over the bridge of the nose
What is the vomer
What is the cribiform plate
Muscle that draws down the medial angle of the eyebrows producing transverse wrinkles over the bridge of the nose
What is the procerus
Muscle that parallels the masseter and closes the jaw
What is the medial pterygoid
This branch of the facial nerve provides motor innervation to the intra-orbital, lateral nasal , and the upper lip areas
What is the zygomatic branch