Physical activity that keeps the brain healthy.
What is exercise?
The most common shoulder injury.
What is rotator cuff injury?
Investing in a good pair of these can prevent damage to your knees.
What are shoes? It is wise to check with a doctor as to which shoes are appropiate to your needs.
This condition is characterized by the entire sole of the foot touching the floor when standing.
What is flat foot (flat feet)?
The external muscles in in this organ are the strongest muscles in the human body for the job it does.
What are the eyes?
This side of your brain controls personality and movement.
What is the front? It is what make you, you
Raised shoulders are a result of this habit.
What is poor posture, muscle tension and stress? This leads to discomfort and potential neck and shoulder issues.
This medical specialist deals with muscular or skeletal problems, and also performs joint replacements.
What is an Orthopedist?
If you lose a toenail you can expect to wait this long until it grows back.
What is up to 1 1/2 years?
Name some things you can do to prevent spreading germs when you sneeze.
What is cover your mouth with a tissue, sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands
These are brain cells that look like branches connected to each other and fire electric pulses.
What are neutrons?
This is the reason that the shoulder is more susceptible to injury.
What is the shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body?
Before doing any physical exercise it is important to do this to prepare you knees from repetitive movements.
What are warm-up exercises?
The 250,000 sweat glands in our feet have this unpleasant result.
What are smelly feet?
The ear has two important roles. One is hearing and the other is this important function.
What is balance?
The result of exercising your brain with puzzles and thinking games.
How do you keep your brain healthy?
This is the longest bone in the body that lies horizontally.
What is the clavicle? Together with the shoulder blade, it makes up the shoulder girdle.
This method of treating new knee pain has been used for over 1000 years.
What is ice?
Your feet (and any abnormalities) often are the first sign of another health problems, including...
What are: diabetes, heart disease, peripheral neuropathy, melanoma and arthritis?
When you do this, your body produces greater amounts of antibodies, giving you an immunity boost.
What is smile?
This type of dementia, can physically shrink the brain?
What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
In cartoons, the angel always sits on this shoulder.
What is the right side? The devil is on the left side. The Latin word for right is "dexter", and for left is "sinister"... meaning allegiance to the "dark side". They represent the character's internal conflict between good and evil.
This is a common misunderstanding about babies kneecaps.
What is that they don't have kneecaps? Babies do have kneecaps, but they're made of cartilage which will eventually turn into bone between the ages of 2 and 6
We should buy shoes at the end of the day because...
What is our feet are at their largest?
This medical specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck, particularly the ear, nose, and throat (ENT).
What is otorhinolaryngology?