This is the term for what the first "E" in ERSEA stands for.
Who is responsible for recruitment?
ISD Disability Coordinator
This is the term for what the second "E" in ERSEA stands for
What module is completed in ChildPlus to identify a family as McKinney Vento?
Student Residency Questionnaire
What are the two basic requirements to be eligible for Head Start?
age and income
What is the name of the tool used to support Recruitment?
Recruitment Plan
What document is needed to receive disability points?
IEP, IFSP, or medical /agency documentation
When is a child considered enrolled?
The first day the child attends
What is the Average Daily Attendance percentage for the program?
What is the age range of Early Head Start and Head Start?
6 weeks to 5 years old
What is the time period that we recruit?
Year round
What percent of actual enrollment must be children with a disability?
What percentage of families income between 101-130% of the poverty line may be enrolled?
35%. Programs may enroll an additional 35% of participants whose incomes are below 130% of the poverty line, if the program can ensure it is meeting the needs of eligible children
What process is available if a family is determined to be over-income?
Excessive Housing Calculation
What is considered Public Assistance?
How often is the Recruitment Plan updated?
What is the name of the points system we must maintain to rank applications?
Selection Criteria (point-matrix)
How many days do programs have to fill an enrollment opportunity?
No more than 30 calendar days may elapse before a vacancy is filled, over 30 days out of compliance
What can be used to determine 30% of total gross income on housing costs?
According to HS Performance Standards 1305.2 Housing costs may include rent or mortgage payments, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, utilities, interest, and taxes on the home. Utilities may include electricity, gas, water, sewer, and trash.
What is income that is no longer calculated per updated Head Start Performance Standards?
child support/regular support from absent parent, Veterans benefits, Social Security, Alimony
Who provides final approval of the Recruitment Plan?
Policy Council & Governing Board
What is used to establish our selection criteria?
Data from Community Assessment
What is the percentage of reserved slots Head Start programs are allowed?
3%. Performance Standard allow programs up to 60 days of reserved slots in order to better support children experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and children with a disability
Where must a family live to qualify for Early Head Start services?
EHS CCP, EHS Stafford, EHS BSA, and EHS Home Based
EHS CCP- Must live or work in SAISD or EISD boundaries
EHS Stafford-Must live in EISD boundaries
EHS Blessed Sacrament-Must live in SAISD boundaries
EHS Home Based- Must live in SAISD or EISD