Head Start History
Family and Community Engagement
Education and Early Childhood Development
Nutrition Services
Culture of Safety

This year marks the beginning of the Head Start program in the United States.

What is 1965?


Head Start views parents as their child's first and most important                       .

What are teachers?


The Education service area focuses on preparing children for this important milestone in their education.

What is kindergarten?


Head Start provides this many meals and snack to children in an all day program.

What is three?


A culture of safety prioritizes this above all else in Head Start programs.

What is the well-being of children?


In this year, Head Start began offering year-round services instead of just summer programs.

What is 1966?

This service area helps families set goals and connect with community resources.

What is family partnership services?


Head Start classrooms use this type of curriculum, which is designed to be culturally and developmentally appropriate. (Hint: Creative Curriculum meets this standard)

What is an evidence-based curriculum?


These are the dietary guidelines that Head Start meals adhere to.

What are the USDA guidelines?


This regular activity, essential in a culture of safety, involves checking environments and equipment for hazards.

What are safety inspections?


This act in 1994 expanded the Head Start program to service infants and toddlers.

What is the Head Start Act?


Head Start encourages parents to participate in this, which helps guide program decisions.

What is Policy Council?


Teachers in Head Start use these to assess children's progress in key areas like language and math

What are developmental assessments?


Head Start ensures meals meet this, often calculated by the age and needs of the child.

What are daily nutritional requirements?


In a culture of safety, programs provide these to families, helping them ensure their children's safety outside the program.

What are safety resources or educational materials?


The reauthorization of Head Start in this year introduced new standards and accountability measures for programs.

What is 2007?


This Head Start activity brings families together to discuss child development and parenting strategies.

What are parent workshops or family nights?


This component of Head Start ensures children with disabilities receive specialized instruction and services.

What is special education or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)?


This service helps parents learn how to provide nutritious meals at home, enhancing their child's diet.

What is nutrition education?


In a culture of safety, this type of communication is encouraged among staff to quickly address potential risks.

What is open communication?


The Head Start program was initially a part of this broader initiative aimed at reducing poverty.

What is the War on Poverty?


This service area connects families with local organizations to support their economic and social well-being.

What are community partnerships?


Head Start emphasizes the development of these skills, which are crucial for children's success in school.

What are social-emotional skills?


This federal program provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks for children enrolled in a Head Start program.

What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?


This is the key outcome of active supervision, ensuring that children are safe at all times.

What is child safety?