Developmental Screenings
Depression Screenings
Mental Health Observation

What is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children's healthy social emotional development

What is the Pyramid Model.


When is a BIR written?

What is when a child exhibits concerning behavior of

Running out of the classroom, playground, or away from group.

Physical aggression, Self-injury, tantrums, inappropriate language, breaking or destroying things, Disruptive behavior


What are the research-based tool used to screen children

What is the ASQ3 and ASQSE2


What is the screening called that is used to screen for potential depression.

What is Depression Screenings.


What does the Mental Health Consultant do.

What is observe EHS classrooms and playgroups. Observe HS classrooms.


Targeted social emotional supports is what tier of the pyramid?

 What is tier 2.


What are the intensity of behaviors written on a BIR.

What is mild: aggressive but not forceful

Moderate: aggressive forceful, no injuries

Severe: eloping from room, or building, aggressive with injury


When do the ASQ Se 2 and 3 screenings need to be completed?

What is 45 after enrollment in the program and 90 days for rescreens.


When are screenings completed? 

What is with in 60 days of enrollment each program year. 


When are EHS Mental health observations completed?

What is August and September.


How does EHS acknowledge the children for displaying appropriate behaviors.

What is putting a Plush bee into a plush beehive. Allowing children to shake and squeeze bee as staff sing the "Bee Song". 


What is filled out on the BIR?

Date and Time, behavior description, problem behavior, activity, others involved, possible motivation, response, administrative follow up, comments and demographics for child on first BIR.


What areas does the ASQ look at?

What is language, cognitive, motor and social emotional


When a child's mother is pregnant or has a child under 12 months the EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Screening is completed upon enrollment or during enrollment? 

What is upon Enrollment.


What happens with information from Mental Health observation?

What is the Mental Health Consultant reviews observations with the classroom teams, advocates, EIMH specialist and Manager. 


What are short 3-4 minute lessons taught to children about behavior expectations called.

What are Cool tools?


What happens with BIR after it is completed?

BIR emailed to Ed Supervisor and EIMH Specialist.

EIMH Staff review BIR ensure it is complete return if not

EIMH forward BIR to Information Assistant to enter information.

BIR data reviewed at team connections and BIR meeting.



What are the ages on the ASQ 3 and ASQ SE 2 screenings?


2,6,12,18,24,30,36,48,60 months

ASQ 3:

 2,4,6,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,27,30,33,36,42,48,54,60 months


For prenatal enrollment The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is completed when.

At the 2nd home visit and then again repeated after the 2-week post-partum / well baby visit.


How is an observation scheduled with the Mental Health Consultant?

What is contacting the EIMH Manager to notify the Deputy Director an observation is needed in a classroom or an individual meeting with a family needed. 


What percent of children respond to Tier one strategies.



What happens if a child has many BIR's?

What is review with team at Team connection. 

Create an action Plan for child.

Add to the Child Concerns. Start to complete the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Policy 


If a child does not pass the ASQ what is the process?

What is rescreen. The child with in 90 days even if they have a referral for services rescreens must still be completed unless they have had the evaluation completed and services have begin. 

Rescreens are also completed on a child if they receive services but the rescreen is not in the area of services


If a caregiver has a score of 5 or higher on the PHQ9 or a score of 9 or greater on the EPDS what happens.

What is rescreen in 3 months and monitored Family in EHS Home Base are given the opportunity to participate in Mothers and Babies curriculum.


What information is shared with Mental Health Consultant before an observation?

What is BIR score, if there are behaviors, age of child.

For a parent to meet with the MHC a consent is needed along with a mental health support form filled out.