What is Early Learning Outcomes Framework
This needs to be conducted every five year grant period
Community assessment
30 days
The time a program must determine if a each child has ongoing sources of continuous accessible health care.
This must be integrated in all systems
parent and family engagement
20% Match
The amount of InKind each program has to contribute as a non-federal match
This is required for children who do not want to need to rest or nap.
Alternative quiet learning activities
% of participants whose families who can be enrolled that do not meet eligibility requirements but incomes must be below 130 % poverty line.
Oral Health practices
Brushing teethe with toothpaste containing fluoride once daily
Programs must establish collaborative relationships and partnerships with these community organizations
Heath care providers, individuals and agencies that provide services to children with disabilities and their families, elementary schools, state preschools providers, child care providers, Child protective services, educational and cultural institutions such as libraries and museums, TANF, work force development and training services, adult or family literacy, adult literacy, housing assistance agencies
15 hours
All staff must complete for Professional Development each year
45 days from enrollment
When is all developmental and health screenings have to be done
30 days
The number of days a program must fill any vacant enrolled spot
Payment Sources for Nutrition
A program must use funds from USDA Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Nutrition programs as the primary source of payment for meal services.
Quality Rating and Improvement System
Designation Renewal
When a program is subject to open competition for their grant
All program hours
When the program must be open to parents
1 hour program start time
When a program must attempt to contact a family when the child is unexpectedly absent.
Meet Licensing requirements
All classrooms
Head Start requires programs to provide parents opportunities to participate in the programs as
Employees or Volunteers
The year Head Start was first launched
Requirements for Learning Environments
Well Organized with developmentally appropriate schedules, lesson plans, indoor and outdoor learning experiences, adequate opportunities for choice, play, exploration, sensory, motor experiences and include teacher and child directed activities, active and quiet activities, large and small group experiences and programs must change materials periodically to support children's interest as well as accommodate children with disabilities.
This is never allowed due to a child's behavior
Expulsion or unenrollment
A program must use funds for the provision of this for enrolled children during the program day
Diapers and formula
A program must identify each family's ____ and ____ related to the family engagement outcomes described in the Head Start Parent Family and Community Engagement Framework
Strengths and Needs
This Department is in charge of Administering Head Start
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services