
What Methods of Examination do you use in a Head to Toe Assessment






What is included in a focused assessment for Respiratory system?

Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation

Lung sounds and work of breathing 

Chest shape and configuration

Oxygen saturation

Respirations should be even, unlabored, and regular at a rate

Cough, SOB, sputum


 What is included in a focused assessment for GI

Abdominal size, sounds, firmness, distention, pain and tenderness, BMs, passing gas, appetite, any N or V, 


How often does a CVAD dressing and caps need to be changed? what is included in your assessment

Every 7 days

Documentation of external length

Site, drainage, patency of line


What is included the a pain assessment?

Pain scale 0-10

Non verbal cues: groaning, moaning, fetal position, guarding

Pain medication and med response

Location, intermittent vs constant, radiating, localized, burning, cramping, stabbing


When completing your skin assessment, you discover a stage 2 pressure injury to the coccyx?  

What are your next actions?

Consult Wound care, Dietician, OT

Off-load and turn & reposition


Document: location, size (LxWxD), drainage, odour, present on admission, dressing 


What are major risk factors for a patient’s alterations in respiration?

Asthma, COPD, pneumonia, allergies, cigarette smoking, trauma, fluid overload, transfusion of blood and blood products, medication, drowning, and smoke inhalation and chemical inhalation


The nurse is caring for a patient with an indwelling urinary drainage catheter. What is included in the urinary system assessment?

Urine colour, amount, sediment, odour

Palpation of the abdomen

Securement of tube

Indication for the inserted catheter and reassess need for ongoing use


What should you do before applying AED pads?

Before pressing the shock button, what safety checks should be done?

Proper placement of AED pads, shave if hairy, wipe down if sweaty, avoid pacemaker and jewelry

Check if all clear and remove oxygen sources


What are signs and symptoms of delirium? 

What assessment scale must be completed daily?


  • Disorientation
  • Unusual thoughts. paranoid (suspicious) and mistrustful 
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss
  • Sleepiness
  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Hallucinations
  • falls
  • decreased appetite



What do you apply if you see muscle, tendon, bone when completing a VAC dressing change?

The pump is off when you enter the room. The pt states that he turned it off 3 hours ago.  What are your next steps


Mepitel One


Complete a VAC dressing change


During an assessment at a change of shift, the nurse finds the patient restless, irritable, confused, and with a decreased level of consciousness.  What is the nurse’s next steps?


Oxygen saturation 

Vital signs

Resp rate and depth 



When assessing a NG tube feeding, what is part of the assessment?

NG placement: internal length

Pt tolerance, HOB, gastric residuals

Cerner Orders: formula, water bolus

Pump settings: rate and volume to be absorbed

Bag change


How long can an IV be in-situ according to the new policy?

What is included in the assessment of an IV site?

7 days.  Skin antisepsis with CHG 2% and Alc 70%

Site: redness, drainage

Patency, dressing, pain with flushing


You have an order for Hydromorphone 0.5mg every 1 hour.

Do you require an order for a sub-q set insertion?

How long can it stay in-situ?

Can it be used for multiple medications?

No, 7 days, No


Which are signs or symptoms of dehydration?

Skin remains in the pinched position for more than a second or two

Concentrated urine

Dry lips

Low Blood pressure


Chest tube bubbling, what is included in your troubleshooting actions?

Air leak: check connections, taped connections

Xray: Chest tube placement

Resp assessment, subq emphysema

Drainage container: water line


A patient is tolerating tube feedings well without any signs of intolerance. The nurse checks the patient’s GRV and obtains 150 ml. 

Which action should the nurse take next?

Return feed to patient.


Name 3 situations when a CODE ERT should be called?

Reduced LOC

Bradycardia or Tachycardia

Hypotension and Hypertension

Distressed breathing, Low O2 sat


When assessing a patient’s LOC, the nurse observes that the previously alert patient cannot provide a name or current location. What should the nurse do next?


Vital signs, lab work

Stroke assessment

Notify attending physician: delirium workup


Heparin Drip Module for VTE has been ordered on your patient?

Cerner order: weight 65kg

Loading dose: 3500 IV push once

Bolus: 2500 IV push every 6hrs PRN

Rate: 16mL/hr 

What are your next steps?

Gather supplies: Heparin bag and tubing, IV pump

IV insitu and patent

Baseline bldwk drawn

PTT ordered 6 hrs post initiation


You have been tasked to complete trach care on your pt.

What does this include?

1. Equipment care (hood, trach ties, corrugated tubing, suction, O2)

2. Stoma Care (Assess skin in/around stoma, cleanse/dry skin, apply appropriate dressing etc.)

3. Airway management (assess for airway patency and change inner cannula)


Your Patient states that they have not had a BM in 3 days.  What are your next actions?

Bowel protocol

Notify attending physician

Assess Pt medication, diet and fluid intake


After a Code Blue is called what are the primary steps to be done?

Start CPR


Crash cart to bedside

Backboard under patient

WOW at bedside

Primary Nurse to give SBAR to code Team


You receive an order to start a CADD.  The Pharmacist Tech brings it down to the unit.

What supplies are required?

What are the steps required for initiation?

Sub-q set, cap, dressing, flush, alcohol swab

CADD:  Tubing

Scanning Pt. arm band, scanning medication, witness, IDC for pump settings, Pt. education