Patient reports a band like type of distribution of pain that almost feels as if he is wearing a tight baseball cap. He reports that this is a very stressful time at work and that he has been working long hours. His exam is normal except for neck muscle tightness
What is tension HA
carl is a 23Y/O who presents with s/p having an unrelenting upper respiratory tract infection for the past 15 days. He reports pain is more concentrated in the frontal region and that it gets worst if he leans forward for any reason. on exam you note tenderness in the frontal head right above the orbit.
What is Sinusitis
Patient X is a 87 Y/O retired gentle man who resides in a nursing home. He has a history of cerebellar stroke and has residual ataxia that causes him to fall a lot. His last fall was three days ago and his wife reports a direct blow to the head. His wife brings him in for evaluation due to transient confusion and reports of intense HA with pain more consistent over the right eye. Patient likely has
What is a Subdural hematoma
Jim presents with C/O of Throbbing type HA associated with Photophobia, nausea, vomiting and right face and arm numbness. Headache is unilateral more pronounced on the right side of his head. His work up does not reveal any pathology. Jim's HA is likely:
What is what is a migraine
Jim is a 13 Y/O that you are seeing today for the evaluation of unilateral throbbing pain in his head, he reports that light bothers his eyes a lot when he has these headaches
What is common migraine without aura
Mr. John is a 40 Y/O male presents S/P seizure. He reports no prior history of seizures. His medical history is significant for chronic ear infection. He reports HA for the past five days, he reports that pain onset was gradual with increasing intensity everyday. He also reports a generalized sick feeling, and a notable weakness on the right side of his body. His VS T 102.2, HR 100, RR 19 BP 140/70.
What is A Brain Abscess
headache present for > 4 weeks, without neurological signs and symptoms associated with missing work and school and depressed mood...
What is psychogenic
Kenneth is a 54Y/O male who presents with intense pain in the right eye that started 30minutes. On exam you note R eye lacrimation, ptosis, redness and lid swelling. MRI of brain is negative for pathology.
What is a cluster HA.
Jane is a 24y/o high school teacher who presents with HA that usually starts at the end of her school day and it is accompanied by tight achy neck and shoulders
What is a tension HA
Sue is a 50Y/O female who presents with C/O of a sharp localized temporal pain. She reports malaise and anorexia. Her only medical history is of polymyalgia rheumatica. On exam you note temp 102.1, HR 87, RR 22 BP 125/67. Her exam reveals tenderness over a nodular temporal artery
What is Temporal arthritis
Stiff neck
What is meningismus
Sue is a 30Y/O female presents with C/O of severe HA that usually occurs right before her period. She notes that 2 days prior to the onset of HA she is very moody, easily agitated and sometimes exhibit depressed mood. Her HA is throbbing, some times with nausea, vomiting and she experiences photopsias prior to and during the episode of headache. She also notes that her headaches are brought on if she eats too much chocolate
What is Migraine with aura
Henry is a 67 Y/O male who presents with C/O of HA that started 2 weeks ago and has been progressively getting worse everyday. He notes that the HA is worse in the early mornings but gets better once he is up and about. He also notes that over the past few days he has had some dull type feeling around the right side of his face. He denies any previous medical history.
What is increased intracranial pressure
Marleen is a 50y/o female, with a past medical history of DM, HTN and CAD. She presents with ED of sudden onset intense HA located on the top of her head, with resultant R sided weakness. Her vital signs on presentation are temp 100.5, HR 66, RR 16, BP 180/100.
What is an Intracerebral Hemorrhage
symptoms that occur before, during or after a HA and last no more than 30 minutes
What is an aura
Jane is a 50 Y/O female presents with C/O of burst of sharp pain over the face innervated by the affected nerve. Stimulation of the face on exam makes the pain increased. One of the things that we will be looking for in this patient is
What is Trigeminal Neuralgia
Jim is a type 1 diabetic who presents with severe generalized Headache after playing basket ball. He reports dizziness, and a sense of not feeling well. He is nauseated, vomiting and lethargic. He is also diaphoretic. Reason?
26 Y/O male presents with complaints of severe, chills, myalgias, stiff neck. On exam the patient has positive Brudzinski, positive kerning's. On examination of skin patient has petechial rash through out. What are the most pertinent test to order for this patient:
What is CTB, and Lumbar Puncture