Physical, intellectual, financial, social, emotional, spiritual, vocational, and environmental dimensions.
What are the eight Dimensions of Wellness?
What are the six changes of change?
What is Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
A structure designed to tell an individual how much fruit, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein to eat.
What is MyPlate?
It is the ability to keep our brain consistently active and evolving with new ideas and new thoughts.
What is Intellectual Wellness?
The Holmes-Rahe life Stress Inventory
What is the name of the template students used to calculate the amount of life stressors they have?
The ability to support and receive support from others.
What is the social dimension of wellness?
Transtheoretical model
what is another name for the stages of change?
Nutrition, sleep, physical activity, alcohol or drug use, medication safety, and preventive medicine all contribute.
What contributes to the dimensions of physical wellness?
Trying new hobbies or activities or exploring new things are ways to expand these interests.
What are ways to expand personal interests?
What is the name of the program that analyzed students intake including calories and nutrients?
Doing word puzzles, having difficult conversations about the world and finding new hobbies to challenge your mind and self.
What is the intellectual dimension?
Cognitive precesses and Behavioral Processes
What are the two categories for the processes of change
Physical exercise.
What did Wendy Suzuki recommend in her TED talk order to boost your mood?
Puzzles, word scrabbles, and memory games.
What are some examples of brain exercises?
Evaluating and ranking pros and cons to the behavior and the pros and cons to a behavior change.
What is the Decisional Balance Worksheet?
With self-awareness, you can manage habits that benefit you.
How do self-awareness and forming habits relate to one another?
The processes of Consciousness raising, Self-reevaluation, Dramatic relief, Environmental reevaluation, Helping relationships
What are cognitive processes?
Three neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline.
What are the three neurotransmitters that increase after a workout period? (According to Wendy Suzuki)
An area of your intellectual wellness that involves taking new Classe son subjects you wish to learn. For example: a new language.
Dr. Prochaska and Dr. DiClemente
Who initially found the Transtheoretical model of change?
The dimension that your surroundings such as who you surround yourself with, where you live, and the state of where you are affects your health.
What is the environmental dimension?
The processes of Reinforcement management, Self-liberation, Counter conditioning, Social liberation, Stimulus control.
What are behavioral processes?
three to four times a week with a minimum of 30 minutes each session.
What is the recommended amount of time to exercise in order to get positive results mentally?
What area of your intellectual wellness is benefitted from talking about challenging topics and debates?
In Wendy Suzuki's TED talk, which region of the brain was mentioned to be improve long-term memory from physical activity?